M 6.7 in Papua New Guinea from 07 Dec 2014 01:22 UTC to 01:22

The list of all calculations completed triggered by the system and users referred to event
M6.8 in Papua New Guinea, on 07 Dec 2014 01:22 UTC

realtime7 m6.510-6.58154.410.17
realtime8 m6.710-6.522154.4240.27
realtime13 m6.510-6.49154.440.21
realtime16 m6.7219.531217-6.50391154.4270.2
realtime32 m6.620-6.518154.4130.17
realtime1.3 h 6.7219.531217-6.50391154.427strike=273 dip=22 rake=370
realtime1.3 h 6.7219.531217-6.50391154.427strike=148 dip=77 rake=1080
realtime1.3 h 6.7319.531216-6.50391154.399strike=276 dip=18 rake=420
realtime1.8 h 6.7319.531216-6.50391154.399strike=280 dip=20 rake=490
realtime1.8 h 6.7319.531216-6.50391154.399strike=143 dip=76 rake=1030

Tsunami affected locations

Initial conditions