Overall Green alert Tropical Cyclone for TWENTY-ONE-23
in Nicaragua, Honduras


Tropical Cyclone TWENTY-ONE-23 can have a low humanitarian impact based on the maximum sustained wind speed,exposed population and vulnerability.

Meteorological source GFS
Exposed countries
Exposed population No people in Category 1 or higher
Maximum wind speed 90 km/h
Maximum storm surge 0.4 m (26 Oct 12:15 UTC)
Vulnerability --


GDACS alert score for Tropical Cyclones is 0.5 (GREEN Alert), 1.5 (ORANGE Alert), 2.5 (RED Alert)
For more info on GDACS alert score click here.
  Wind Storm surge Rainfall GDACS score
GFS Current 90 km/h 0.4 m 601 mm 0.5
GFS Overall 90 km/h 0.4 m 601 mm 0.5

Maximum winds, storm surge, rainfall (Current: over the next 72 h, Overall: entire TC track)


90 km/h

No people by wind speeds of Tropical Storm strength or above

Wind exposed population - AoIs

No exposed population (in Tropical Storm or higher) based on the bulletin of 25 Oct 2023 06:00 UTC (Overall situation)

See TC classification SSHS

Wind Impact Timeline

people affected <=10000
10000< people affected <=100000
people affected >100000

Alert Date (UTC) Max Winds (km/h) Pop in Cat. 1 or higher TS Cat. 1 Cat. 2 Cat. 3 Cat. 4 Cat. 5 Countries
GREEN 1 23 Oct 2023 18:00 47 - - - - - - -
GREEN 2 24 Oct 2023 00:00 76 - - - - - - -
GREEN 3 24 Oct 2023 06:00 90 - - - - - - -
GREEN 4 24 Oct 2023 12:00 68 - - - - - - -
GREEN 5 24 Oct 2023 18:00 61 - - - - - - -
GREEN 6 25 Oct 2023 00:00 58 - - - - - - -
GREEN 7 25 Oct 2023 06:00 86 - - - - - - -

Impact estimation for the next 72h

Rain exposed population - AoIs

Estimations based on the bulletin of 25 Oct 2023 06:00 UTC (Overall situation)
250-500 mmNicaragua, Colombia43,768
100-250 mmJamaica, Mexico, Dominican Republic, Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Colombia, Costa Rica, Panama6,677,025
Dominican Republic3,707 
El Salvador185,822 
Costa Rica1,755,768 
50-100 mmMexico, Cuba, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Colombia, Aruba, Venezuela, Costa Rica, Panama74,218,914
Dominican Republic467,929 
El Salvador5,802,926 
Costa Rica3,052,064 

Rain Impact Timeline

people affected <=10000
10000< people affected <=100000
people affected >100000

Alert Date (UTC) Max Rainfall (mm) Pop >100mm or higher 50-100 100-250 250-500 500-750 750-1000 >1000 Countries
Blue 1 23 Oct 2023 18:00 41 - - - - - - -
Blue 2 24 Oct 2023 00:00 138 20 thousand
- - - - Nicaragua
Blue 3 24 Oct 2023 06:00 110 Few people
- - - - Nicaragua, Colombia
Blue 4 24 Oct 2023 12:00 204 -
- - - - - Nicaragua
Blue 5 24 Oct 2023 18:00 142 -
- - - - - Panama
Blue 6 25 Oct 2023 00:00 154 2 thousand
- - - - El Salvador, Costa Rica, Panama
Blue 7 25 Oct 2023 06:00 572 1.7 million
- - - Mexico, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Haiti, Belize, Honduras, Guatemala, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Colombia, Venezuela, Costa Rica, Panama

Impact estimation for the next 72h


0.4 m

The maximum Storm surge height is  0.4m in Pitts Town, The Bahamas. This height is estimated for 26 Oct 2023 12:15 UTC .

The JRC has developed an experimental global storm surge model, which is run after each advisory issued by the regional tropical cyclone centres. The calculations are published about 20 minutes after a new advisory is detected by GDACS. The calculations identify the populated places affected by storm surge up to three days in advance, using the forecasted track. When forecasts change, the associated storm surge changes too and alert levels may go up or down. All links, data, statistics and maps refer to the latest available calculation. If the calculation for the last advisory is not completed, the latest available calculation is shown.

Storm Surge Exposed population - AoIs

Estimations based on the bulletin of 25 Oct 2023 06:00 UTC (Overall situation)
0.25 - 0.5 mUnited States, Mexico, Bahamas3,021
United States2,677 

Storm Surge Exposed locations

Calculation based on the bulletin of 25 Oct 2023 06:00 UTC (Overall situation)
Alert Date (UTC) Name Country Storm surge height (m)
26 Oct 2023 12:15 Pitts Town The Bahamas  0.4
26 Oct 2023 12:15 Moss Town The Bahamas  0.4
26 Oct 2023 12:15 Cabbage Hill The Bahamas  0.4
26 Oct 2023 12:15 Majors The Bahamas  0.4
26 Oct 2023 12:15 Browns The Bahamas  0.4
23 Oct 2023 23:45 La Gloria Mexico  0.3
23 Oct 2023 23:45 Chaparral Mexico  0.3
23 Oct 2023 21:00 Arroyo City Subdivision Colonia United States  0.3
23 Oct 2023 21:00 Buena Vista United States  0.3
26 Oct 2023 01:30 San Rafael Venezuela  0.2
26 Oct 2023 01:30 Las Cabimas Venezuela  0.2
26 Oct 2023 01:30 Las Delicias Venezuela  0.2
26 Oct 2023 01:30 El Toas Venezuela  0.2
26 Oct 2023 01:30 San Carlos Venezuela  0.2
26 Oct 2023 00:15 Los Hermanitos Venezuela  0.2
26 Oct 2023 00:15 Botoncillo Venezuela  0.2
26 Oct 2023 00:15 Caimare Chico Venezuela  0.2
26 Oct 2023 00:15 Caraipia Venezuela  0.2
26 Oct 2023 00:15 Boca Paijana Venezuela  0.2
26 Oct 2023 00:15 Puertecitos Venezuela  0.2
26 Oct 2023 00:15 Cardoncito Venezuela  0.2
26 Oct 2023 00:15 Puerto Guerrero Venezuela  0.2
26 Oct 2023 00:15 Calle Ancha Venezuela  0.2
26 Oct 2023 00:15 Puerto Mara Venezuela  0.2
26 Oct 2023 00:15 Puerto Cardoncito Venezuela  0.2
26 Oct 2023 00:15 Paijana Venezuela  0.2
26 Oct 2023 00:15 La Esperanza Venezuela  0.2
26 Oct 2023 00:00 Los Filudos Venezuela  0.2
26 Oct 2023 00:00 La Gloria Venezuela  0.2
26 Oct 2023 00:00 Campamento Venezuela  0.2
26 Oct 2023 00:00 La Punta Venezuela  0.2
26 Oct 2023 00:00 Paraguaipoa Venezuela  0.2
26 Oct 2023 00:00 Los Aceitunitos Venezuela  0.2
26 Oct 2023 00:00 Guichep Venezuela  0.2
26 Oct 2023 00:00 Los Mochos Venezuela  0.2
26 Oct 2023 00:00 Juruba Venezuela  0.2
26 Oct 2023 00:00 Campo Alegre Venezuela  0.2
26 Oct 2023 00:00 Zulia Mar Venezuela  0.2
26 Oct 2023 00:30 Jumop Venezuela  0.2
26 Oct 2023 00:30 Calinatay Venezuela  0.2
26 Oct 2023 00:30 Molomana Venezuela  0.2
26 Oct 2023 00:30 Sichipes Venezuela  0.2
26 Oct 2023 00:30 Pararu Venezuela  0.2
26 Oct 2023 00:30 Guayamulisira Venezuela  0.2
26 Oct 2023 00:30 Neima Venezuela  0.2
26 Oct 2023 00:30 Cojua Venezuela  0.2
26 Oct 2023 00:30 Guarurtain Venezuela  0.2
26 Oct 2023 00:30 Jautaipanou Venezuela  0.2
26 Oct 2023 00:30 Jasav Venezuela  0.2
26 Oct 2023 00:30 Uluimana Venezuela  0.2
26 Oct 2023 00:30 Jurulapa Venezuela  0.2
26 Oct 2023 00:30 Gualipana Venezuela  0.2
26 Oct 2023 00:30 Cojoro Venezuela  0.2
26 Oct 2023 00:15 Guasapatu Venezuela  0.2
26 Oct 2023 00:15 Palachuou Venezuela  0.2
24 Oct 2023 20:30 Ejido Guandalupe Victoria Mexico  0.2
24 Oct 2023 20:30 Rancho Magueyes Mexico  0.2
24 Oct 2023 20:30 El Mezquite Mexico  0.2
24 Oct 2023 20:30 El Mezquital Mexico  0.2
26 Oct 2023 00:15 Potchoure Venezuela  0.2
26 Oct 2023 00:15 Zarrupiai Venezuela  0.2
26 Oct 2023 00:15 Cuzi Venezuela  0.2
24 Oct 2023 06:00 Tasbapauni Nicaragua  0.2
24 Oct 2023 06:00 Set Net Nicaragua  0.2
24 Oct 2023 07:15 El Carmelo Venezuela  0.2
24 Oct 2023 07:15 Santa Cruz de Mara Venezuela  0.2
24 Oct 2023 07:15 Salina Rica Venezuela  0.2
24 Oct 2023 07:15 Maracaibo Venezuela  0.2
24 Oct 2023 07:15 Puerto Caballo Venezuela  0.2
24 Oct 2023 07:15 El Triunfo Venezuela  0.2
24 Oct 2023 07:15 Punto Miranda Venezuela  0.2
24 Oct 2023 07:15 El Aceituno Venezuela  0.2
24 Oct 2023 07:15 Punta de Palmas Venezuela  0.2
24 Oct 2023 07:15 Haticos del Sur Venezuela  0.2
24 Oct 2023 07:15 Palmarejo Venezuela  0.2
24 Oct 2023 07:15 Punta de Leiva Venezuela  0.2
24 Oct 2023 07:15 El Cucharal Venezuela  0.2
24 Oct 2023 07:15 Los Jobitos Venezuela  0.2
24 Oct 2023 07:15 Jaguecito Venezuela  0.2
24 Oct 2023 07:15 El Canito Venezuela  0.2
24 Oct 2023 07:15 El Caiman Venezuela  0.2
24 Oct 2023 07:15 Altagracia Venezuela  0.2
24 Oct 2023 07:15 Las Playitas Venezuela  0.2
24 Oct 2023 07:15 Bella Vista Venezuela  0.2
24 Oct 2023 07:15 La Palmita Venezuela  0.2
24 Oct 2023 07:15 Jaguey de Vera Venezuela  0.2
24 Oct 2023 07:15 Ancon de Iturbe Venezuela  0.2
24 Oct 2023 07:15 Ancon de Iturre Venezuela  0.2
24 Oct 2023 07:15 Gutierrez Venezuela  0.2
25 Oct 2023 23:45 Morchipa Venezuela  0.2
25 Oct 2023 23:45 Parsua Venezuela  0.2
26 Oct 2023 01:15 San Agustin Venezuela  0.2
28 Oct 2023 04:30 Nueva Gerona Cuba  0.2
28 Oct 2023 04:30 Presidio Modelo Cuba  0.2
26 Oct 2023 00:45 Arroyo Hondo Venezuela  0.2
23 Oct 2023 21:15 Holly Beach United States  0.2
23 Oct 2023 21:15 Laguna Vista United States  0.2
23 Oct 2023 21:15 Laguna Heights United States  0.2
23 Oct 2023 21:15 Port Isabel United States  0.2
23 Oct 2023 21:15 South Padre Island United States  0.2
26 Oct 2023 00:00 Guincua Venezuela  0.2
24 Oct 2023 22:00 Campeche Mexico  0.2
24 Oct 2023 02:45 Sandy Bay Sirpi Nicaragua  0.2
24 Oct 2023 02:45 Barra de Rio Grande Nicaragua  0.2
26 Oct 2023 00:45 Coneja Venezuela  0.2
25 Oct 2023 23:45 Tapuli Venezuela  0.2
25 Oct 2023 03:00 Santa Fe Cuba  0.2
27 Oct 2023 06:30 Espave Panama  0.2
27 Oct 2023 06:30 Perequete Panama  0.2
27 Oct 2023 06:30 Pena Blanca Panama  0.2
27 Oct 2023 06:30 La Mitra Panama  0.2
27 Oct 2023 06:30 Playa Leona Panama  0.2
27 Oct 2023 06:30 Coco Panama  0.2
27 Oct 2023 06:30 Cruces Panama  0.2
27 Oct 2023 06:30 Majagul Panama  0.2
27 Oct 2023 06:30 San Jose Panama  0.2
27 Oct 2023 06:30 Isleta Panama  0.2
27 Oct 2023 06:30 Arraijan Panama  0.2
27 Oct 2023 06:30 Puerto Caimito Panama  0.2
27 Oct 2023 06:30 Punta Chame Panama  0.2
27 Oct 2023 06:30 Vista Alegre Panama  0.2
27 Oct 2023 06:30 San Vicente de Bique Panama  0.2
27 Oct 2023 06:30 Vaca Monte Panama  0.2
27 Oct 2023 06:30 Vera Cruz Panama  0.2
27 Oct 2023 06:30 Rousseau Panama  0.2
27 Oct 2023 06:30 Lacona Panama  0.2
27 Oct 2023 06:30 Fuerte Kobbe Panama  0.2
27 Oct 2023 06:30 Albrook Panama  0.2
27 Oct 2023 06:30 Taboga Panama  0.2
26 Oct 2023 00:45 Canapo Venezuela  0.2
26 Oct 2023 00:45 Caracubana Venezuela  0.2
26 Oct 2023 00:00 Castilletes Colombia  0.2
24 Oct 2023 22:00 Balantanche Mexico  0.2
26 Oct 2023 08:45 The Bluff The Bahamas  0.2
26 Oct 2023 08:45 Kemps Bay The Bahamas  0.2
26 Oct 2023 08:45 Mars Bay The Bahamas  0.2
23 Oct 2023 20:30 Colonia Simon Bolivar Mexico  0.2
23 Oct 2023 20:30 Ejido Lavaderos Mexico  0.2
23 Oct 2023 20:30 El Porvenir Mexico  0.2
24 Oct 2023 10:45 Ninayeri Nicaragua  0.2
24 Oct 2023 10:45 Ledakura Nicaragua  0.2
24 Oct 2023 10:45 Graytown Nicaragua  0.2
24 Oct 2023 10:45 Awastara Nicaragua  0.2
26 Oct 2023 05:00 Punta Alegre Cuba  0.2
26 Oct 2023 05:00 Pueblo Punta Alegre Cuba  0.2
23 Oct 2023 23:00 Tamiahua Mexico  0.2
23 Oct 2023 23:00 Laja Mexico  0.2
24 Oct 2023 01:00 Lama Laya Nicaragua  0.2
24 Oct 2023 01:00 Puerto Cabezas Nicaragua  0.2
24 Oct 2023 01:00 Tuapi Nicaragua  0.2
24 Oct 2023 01:00 Crucira Nicaragua  0.2
26 Oct 2023 00:15 Makaraipaho Colombia  0.2
24 Oct 2023 22:00 Neyac Mexico  0.2
24 Oct 2023 22:00 Noham Mexico  0.2
24 Oct 2023 22:00 Porfirio Diaz Mexico  0.2
24 Oct 2023 22:00 Chenkan Mexico  0.2
26 Oct 2023 05:00 Carahatas Cuba  0.2
24 Oct 2023 21:45 Hoquel Mexico  0.2
24 Oct 2023 21:45 Champoton Mexico  0.2
24 Oct 2023 01:45 Kukra Hill Nicaragua  0.2
24 Oct 2023 01:45 Haulover Nicaragua  0.2
24 Oct 2023 01:45 Laguna de Perlas Nicaragua  0.2
24 Oct 2023 21:45 Haltunchen Mexico  0.2
26 Oct 2023 04:00 South Allapattah United States  0.2
26 Oct 2023 04:00 Cutler Ridge United States  0.2
26 Oct 2023 04:00 Rockdale United States  0.2
26 Oct 2023 04:00 Howard United States  0.2
26 Oct 2023 04:00 Lakes by the Bay United States  0.2
26 Oct 2023 04:00 Cutler United States  0.2
26 Oct 2023 04:00 Pinecrest United States  0.2
26 Oct 2023 04:00 Deering Bay United States  0.2
26 Oct 2023 04:00 Cutter Bank United States  0.2
26 Oct 2023 04:00 Islandia United States  0.2
26 Oct 2023 04:00 The Keyhole United States  0.2
26 Oct 2023 00:30 Antunez Venezuela  0.2
26 Oct 2023 00:30 Yuquique Venezuela  0.2
24 Oct 2023 02:15 Wankluma Nicaragua  0.2
24 Oct 2023 02:15 Tahuantla Nicaragua  0.2
24 Oct 2023 02:15 Puerto Isabel Nicaragua  0.2
28 Oct 2023 02:45 Ciudad del Carmen Mexico  0.2
28 Oct 2023 02:45 Victoria Mexico  0.2
25 Oct 2023 05:30 Canco Honduras  0.2
25 Oct 2023 05:30 Barra Kruta Honduras  0.2
25 Oct 2023 05:30 Kanko Honduras  0.2
25 Oct 2023 05:30 Raya Honduras  0.2
25 Oct 2023 05:30 Clubki Honduras  0.2
25 Oct 2023 05:30 Irlaya Honduras  0.2
25 Oct 2023 05:30 Cabo Gracias a Dios Honduras  0.2
24 Oct 2023 22:00 Seybaplaya Mexico  0.2
26 Oct 2023 04:30 Big Coppitt Key United States  0.2
26 Oct 2023 04:30 Bay Point United States  0.2
26 Oct 2023 04:30 Perky United States  0.2
26 Oct 2023 04:30 Pirates Cove United States  0.2
26 Oct 2023 04:30 Cudjoe Key United States  0.2
26 Oct 2023 04:30 Summerland Key United States  0.2
26 Oct 2023 04:30 Big Pine Key United States  0.2
26 Oct 2023 04:30 Big Pine United States  0.2
27 Oct 2023 06:30 Santa Cruz Panama  0.2
27 Oct 2023 06:30 El Mangate Panama  0.2
27 Oct 2023 06:30 Pajonal Panama  0.2
27 Oct 2023 06:30 El Libano Panama  0.2
27 Oct 2023 06:30 Los Calabazos Panama  0.2
27 Oct 2023 06:30 El Tigre Panama  0.2
27 Oct 2023 06:30 La Boca de Chame Panama  0.2
27 Oct 2023 06:30 Claridad Panama  0.2
27 Oct 2023 06:30 Otoque Occidente Panama  0.2
27 Oct 2023 06:30 Otoque Oriente Panama  0.2
24 Oct 2023 02:00 Hualpasika Nicaragua  0.2
24 Oct 2023 02:00 Wounta Nicaragua  0.2
24 Oct 2023 02:00 Coco Haulover Nicaragua  0.2
26 Oct 2023 19:15 Aurora Cuba  0.2
26 Oct 2023 03:15 Gold Key United States  0.2
26 Oct 2023 03:15 Grayvik United States  0.2
24 Oct 2023 01:30 El Bluff Nicaragua  0.2
23 Oct 2023 20:30 El Americano Mexico  0.2
23 Oct 2023 20:30 Los Ebanos Mexico  0.2
26 Oct 2023 01:30 Puerto Lopez Colombia  0.2
27 Oct 2023 06:30 Juan Dias Panama  0.1
26 Oct 2023 00:15 Santa Clara Venezuela  0.1
26 Oct 2023 00:15 El Suite Venezuela  0.1
28 Oct 2023 02:45 Balchacah Mexico  0.1
23 Oct 2023 23:00 Pueblo Viejo Mexico  0.1
23 Oct 2023 23:00 Tampico Alta Mexico  0.1
24 Oct 2023 02:00 Karata Nicaragua  0.1
24 Oct 2023 02:00 Huahua Nicaragua  0.1
24 Oct 2023 22:00 Sabancuy Mexico  0.1
28 Oct 2023 02:30 Boca Nueva Mexico  0.1
24 Oct 2023 02:00 Monkey Point Nicaragua  0.1
24 Oct 2023 01:30 Cabo Gracias Viejo Nicaragua  0.1
27 Oct 2023 21:30 Gualora Honduras  0.1
27 Oct 2023 21:30 Las Piletas Honduras  0.1
27 Oct 2023 21:30 El Moray Honduras  0.1
27 Oct 2023 21:30 Estero del Espino Honduras  0.1
27 Oct 2023 21:30 Campamento Honduras  0.1
27 Oct 2023 21:30 El Hato Honduras  0.1
27 Oct 2023 21:30 Barrancones Honduras  0.1
27 Oct 2023 21:30 Buena Vista Honduras  0.1
27 Oct 2023 21:30 El Tambor Honduras  0.1
24 Oct 2023 21:00 Uhi Honduras  0.1
24 Oct 2023 21:00 Pusuaya Honduras  0.1
24 Oct 2023 21:00 Yahurabila Honduras  0.1
24 Oct 2023 21:00 Barra de Caratasca Honduras  0.1
24 Oct 2023 21:00 Kaski Honduras  0.1
26 Oct 2023 19:45 Caibarien Cuba  0.1
26 Oct 2023 19:45 Dolores Cuba  0.1
23 Oct 2023 20:45 Kopernik Shores United States  0.1
23 Oct 2023 20:45 Boca Chica United States  0.1
26 Oct 2023 01:15 Karasua Colombia  0.1
26 Oct 2023 01:15 Puerto Ingles Colombia  0.1
23 Oct 2023 20:15 San Jose de los Leones Mexico  0.1
23 Oct 2023 22:45 Primero de Mayo Mexico  0.1
24 Oct 2023 14:15 Dapat Honduras  0.1
24 Oct 2023 14:15 Cauauira Honduras  0.1
24 Oct 2023 14:15 Tay Lirila Honduras  0.1
26 Oct 2023 00:00 Puerto Gutierrez Venezuela  0.1
26 Oct 2023 00:00 Los Hatos Venezuela  0.1
26 Oct 2023 00:00 Baruche Venezuela  0.1
26 Oct 2023 00:00 Puerto Zazarida Venezuela  0.1
26 Oct 2023 00:00 Zazarida Venezuela  0.1
27 Oct 2023 06:30 Chame Panama  0.1
27 Oct 2023 06:30 Gorgona Panama  0.1
25 Oct 2023 23:30 Estanquecito Venezuela  0.1
25 Oct 2023 23:30 Cuajaracume Venezuela  0.1
25 Oct 2023 23:30 Cauca Venezuela  0.1
27 Oct 2023 06:30 Ciudad de Panama Panama  0.1
27 Oct 2023 06:30 El Sitio Panama  0.1
27 Oct 2023 06:30 Ciudad Radial Panama  0.1
27 Oct 2023 06:30 Palo Grande Panama  0.1
23 Oct 2023 20:00 El Naranjal Mexico  0.1
24 Oct 2023 00:45 Boqueron Mexico  0.1
24 Oct 2023 00:45 Pasito de la Senora Mexico  0.1
24 Oct 2023 00:45 Las Guayabas Mexico  0.1
24 Oct 2023 00:45 La Pesca Mexico  0.1
23 Oct 2023 22:15 Tenixtepec Mexico  0.1
23 Oct 2023 22:15 Tecolutla Mexico  0.1
25 Oct 2023 14:15 Crossing Rocks The Bahamas  0.1
24 Oct 2023 00:30 Buenavista Mexico  0.1
24 Oct 2023 00:30 Solo Dios Mexico  0.1
23 Oct 2023 20:00 Fraccionamiento Nuevo Leon Mexico  0.1
23 Oct 2023 21:15 Francisco I. Madero Mexico  0.1
24 Oct 2023 01:30 Barra del Rio Maiz Nicaragua  0.1
24 Oct 2023 01:30 Amerisco Nicaragua  0.1
26 Oct 2023 01:15 Punta Espada Colombia  0.1
25 Oct 2023 05:30 Puerto Barrios Colombia  0.1
23 Oct 2023 20:45 Anton Lizardo Mexico  0.1
23 Oct 2023 20:45 Salinas Mexico  0.1
23 Oct 2023 20:45 Buen Pais Mexico  0.1
24 Oct 2023 18:00 Codore Adentro Venezuela  0.1
24 Oct 2023 18:00 Ocorote Venezuela  0.1
24 Oct 2023 18:00 Rio Seco Venezuela  0.1
24 Oct 2023 18:00 Algodones Venezuela  0.1
24 Oct 2023 02:30 Corn Island Nicaragua  0.1
24 Oct 2023 02:00 Arrozal Mexico  0.1
23 Oct 2023 20:00 El Tular Mexico  0.1
23 Oct 2023 20:00 Cabo Rojito Mexico  0.1
24 Oct 2023 21:00 Santa Cruz Mexico  0.1
26 Oct 2023 23:30 Chiltepec Mexico  0.1
26 Oct 2023 23:30 Hidalgo Mexico  0.1
26 Oct 2023 19:45 El Santo Cuba  0.1
26 Oct 2023 19:45 El Jato Cuba  0.1
24 Oct 2023 17:45 El Carmen Nicaragua  0.1
24 Oct 2023 17:45 Las Pozas Nicaragua  0.1
24 Oct 2023 17:45 El Capulin Nicaragua  0.1
24 Oct 2023 17:45 Condega Honduras  0.1
24 Oct 2023 17:45 Cedeno Honduras  0.1
25 Oct 2023 07:00 Punta Avispa Panama  0.1
25 Oct 2023 07:00 Ensenada de Punta Avispa Panama  0.1
25 Oct 2023 07:00 Secretario Panama  0.1
25 Oct 2023 07:00 Tobobe Panama  0.1
25 Oct 2023 07:00 Punta Nance Panama  0.1
25 Oct 2023 07:00 Playa Grande Panama  0.1
25 Oct 2023 07:00 Butchuqua Panama  0.1
25 Oct 2023 07:00 Bogola Panama  0.1
25 Oct 2023 07:00 Shark Hole Point Panama  0.1
25 Oct 2023 07:00 Burari Panama  0.1
25 Oct 2023 07:00 Old Bess Point Panama  0.1
25 Oct 2023 07:00 Arreife Bruno Panama  0.1
25 Oct 2023 07:00 Rio Canaveral Panama  0.1
24 Oct 2023 21:45 Valton Mexico  0.1
27 Oct 2023 06:15 Boca de Pacora Panama  0.1
26 Oct 2023 02:45 Patlaya Honduras  0.1
27 Oct 2023 07:45 El Mogotillo El Salvador  0.1
27 Oct 2023 07:45 El Cacao El Salvador  0.1
27 Oct 2023 07:45 La Union El Salvador  0.1
27 Oct 2023 07:45 Murucagua Honduras  0.1
27 Oct 2023 07:45 Conchaguita El Salvador  0.1
27 Oct 2023 07:45 Guerrero El Salvador  0.1
27 Oct 2023 07:45 El Capulin Honduras  0.1
27 Oct 2023 07:45 El Ajustillo Honduras  0.1
27 Oct 2023 07:45 Puerto Grande Honduras  0.1
24 Oct 2023 00:45 Arista Mexico  0.1
27 Oct 2023 07:00 Canoguero El Salvador  0.1
24 Oct 2023 01:30 Miguel de la Borda Panama  0.1
24 Oct 2023 01:30 Vista Hermosa Panama  0.1
24 Oct 2023 01:30 El Salto Panama  0.1
24 Oct 2023 01:30 La Vigia Panama  0.1
24 Oct 2023 01:30 Chilar Panama  0.1
24 Oct 2023 01:30 El Charcon Panama  0.1
24 Oct 2023 01:30 Terminal del Plan Panama  0.1
24 Oct 2023 01:30 La Ensenada Panama  0.1
24 Oct 2023 01:30 El Bendito Panama  0.1
24 Oct 2023 01:30 Salud Panama  0.1
24 Oct 2023 01:30 Camarones Panama  0.1
24 Oct 2023 01:30 Nuevo Chagres Panama  0.1
24 Oct 2023 01:30 Pueblo Nuevo Panama  0.1
24 Oct 2023 01:30 Palmas Bellas Panama  0.1
24 Oct 2023 01:30 Trascon Panama  0.1
24 Oct 2023 01:30 Pina Panama  0.1
27 Oct 2023 06:15 Rio Chico Panama  0.1
27 Oct 2023 06:15 Chepillo Panama  0.1
27 Oct 2023 06:15 Sabaneta Panama  0.1
23 Oct 2023 19:45 La Mata Mexico  0.1
23 Oct 2023 19:45 Agua Dulce Mexico  0.1
24 Oct 2023 01:30 Paso Real Mexico  0.1
24 Oct 2023 01:45 Alligator Creek Panama  0.1
24 Oct 2023 01:45 La Chavela Panama  0.1
25 Oct 2023 02:45 Flamingo United States  0.1
24 Oct 2023 18:00 Arajo Venezuela  0.1
24 Oct 2023 01:30 Barra Punta Gorda Nicaragua  0.1
24 Oct 2023 01:45 Buena Vista Nicaragua  0.1
23 Oct 2023 21:15 Monte de Oro Mexico  0.1
23 Oct 2023 21:15 San Pedro Mexico  0.1
24 Oct 2023 20:00 Puerto Cesar Colombia  0.1
24 Oct 2023 20:00 Turbo Colombia  0.1
24 Oct 2023 16:30 Santa Catalina Colombia  0.1
24 Oct 2023 16:30 San Antero Colombia  0.1
24 Oct 2023 16:30 Bijadito Colombia  0.1
24 Oct 2023 16:30 El Penon Colombia  0.1
24 Oct 2023 16:30 El Porvenir Colombia  0.1
24 Oct 2023 16:30 El Bobo Colombia  0.1
24 Oct 2023 16:30 Covenas Colombia  0.1
24 Oct 2023 16:30 Covenitas Colombia  0.1
24 Oct 2023 16:30 Guayabal Colombia  0.1
24 Oct 2023 16:30 Punta Seca Colombia  0.1
24 Oct 2023 16:30 Hacienda Petalaca Colombia  0.1
24 Oct 2023 16:30 Puerto Viejo Colombia  0.1
24 Oct 2023 16:30 Tolu Colombia  0.1
26 Oct 2023 00:45 Guaguri Colombia  0.1
24 Oct 2023 19:00 Guasare Abajo Venezuela  0.1
24 Oct 2023 19:00 Cujizal Venezuela  0.1
24 Oct 2023 19:00 Palencia Venezuela  0.1
24 Oct 2023 19:00 Jagueicito Venezuela  0.1
24 Oct 2023 19:00 La Vela de Coro Venezuela  0.1
24 Oct 2023 19:00 Playa Negra Venezuela  0.1
24 Oct 2023 19:00 El Carrizal Venezuela  0.1
24 Oct 2023 19:00 Muaco Venezuela  0.1
24 Oct 2023 19:00 Mataruca Venezuela  0.1
24 Oct 2023 19:00 Taimetaima Venezuela  0.1
24 Oct 2023 19:00 Cuji Leon Venezuela  0.1
24 Oct 2023 19:00 Taratara Venezuela  0.1
24 Oct 2023 19:00 La Aguada Venezuela  0.1
24 Oct 2023 19:00 Puente de Piedra Venezuela  0.1
24 Oct 2023 19:00 El Cerro Venezuela  0.1
24 Oct 2023 19:00 El Manglar Venezuela  0.1
24 Oct 2023 19:00 San Juan Venezuela  0.1
27 Oct 2023 06:15 Boca de Torin Panama  0.1
27 Oct 2023 06:15 Chinina Panama  0.1
26 Oct 2023 03:15 Coral Gables United States  0.1
26 Oct 2023 03:15 South Bay Estates United States  0.1
26 Oct 2023 03:15 Bay Heights United States  0.1
26 Oct 2023 03:15 Key Biscayne United States  0.1
27 Oct 2023 19:30 Puerto Aguadulce Panama  0.1
27 Oct 2023 19:30 El Salado Panama  0.1
27 Oct 2023 19:30 Arenas Blancas Panama  0.1
27 Oct 2023 19:30 El Guineo Panama  0.1
27 Oct 2023 19:30 Boca Nueva Panama  0.1
27 Oct 2023 19:30 Juan Hombron Panama  0.1
27 Oct 2023 23:30 Canton Pimiental El Salvador  0.1
27 Oct 2023 23:30 La Herradura El Salvador  0.1
27 Oct 2023 23:30 El Zapote El Salvador  0.1