Overall Green alert Tropical Cyclone for TWELVE-24
in Vanuatu


Tropical Cyclone TWELVE-24 can have a low humanitarian impact based on the maximum sustained wind speed,exposed population and vulnerability.

Meteorological source GFS
Exposed countries Solomon Islands, Vanuatu
Exposed population No people in Category 1 or higher
Maximum wind speed 68 km/h
Maximum storm surge 0.3 m (08 Feb 23:45 UTC)
Vulnerability Medium (Vanuatu)


GDACS alert score for Tropical Cyclones is 0.5 (GREEN Alert), 1.5 (ORANGE Alert), 2.5 (RED Alert)
For more info on GDACS alert score click here.
  Wind Storm surge Rainfall GDACS score
GFS Current 68 km/h 0.3 m 96 mm 0.5
GFS Overall 68 km/h 0.3 m 360 mm 0.5

Maximum winds, storm surge, rainfall (Current: over the next 72 h, Overall: entire TC track)


68 km/h

Up to 20 thousand can be affected by wind speeds of Tropical Storm strength or above

Wind exposed population - AoIs

Estimations based on the bulletin of 08 Feb 2024 18:00 UTC
Tropical StormSolomon Islands, Vanuatu15,847
Solomon Islands781 

See TC classification SSHS

Wind Impact Timeline

people affected <=10000
10000< people affected <=100000
people affected >100000

Alert Date (UTC) Max Winds (km/h) Pop in Cat. 1 or higher TS Cat. 1 Cat. 2 Cat. 3 Cat. 4 Cat. 5 Countries
GREEN 1 08 Feb 2024 00:00 54 - - - - - - -
GREEN 2 08 Feb 2024 06:00 68 - - - - - - -
GREEN 3 08 Feb 2024 12:00 65 - - - - - - -
GREEN 4 08 Feb 2024 18:00 83 -
- - - - - Solomon Islands, Vanuatu

Impact estimation for the next 72h

Rain exposed population - AoIs

Estimations based on the bulletin of 08 Feb 2024 18:00 UTC
100-250 mmSolomon Islands, Tuvalu, Fiji, Wallis and Futuna, Vanuatu312,067
Solomon Islands224,570 
Wallis and Futuna3,947 
50-100 mmSolomon Islands, Papua New Guinea, Tuvalu, Fiji, Vanuatu473,599
Solomon Islands313,884 
Papua New Guinea23,440 

Rain Impact Timeline

people affected <=10000
10000< people affected <=100000
people affected >100000

Alert Date (UTC) Max Rainfall (mm) Pop >100mm or higher 50-100 100-250 250-500 500-750 750-1000 >1000 Countries
Blue 1 08 Feb 2024 00:00 141 - - - - - - -
Blue 2 08 Feb 2024 06:00 217 - - - - - - -
Blue 3 08 Feb 2024 12:00 230 - - - - - - -
Blue 4 08 Feb 2024 18:00 447 310 thousand
- - - - Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea, Tuvalu, Fiji, Wallis and Futuna, Vanuatu

Impact estimation for the next 72h


0.3 m

The maximum Storm surge height is  0.3m in Lautoka, Fiji. This height is estimated for 08 Feb 2024 23:45 UTC .

The JRC has developed an experimental global storm surge model, which is run after each advisory issued by the regional tropical cyclone centres. The calculations are published about 20 minutes after a new advisory is detected by GDACS. The calculations identify the populated places affected by storm surge up to three days in advance, using the forecasted track. When forecasts change, the associated storm surge changes too and alert levels may go up or down. All links, data, statistics and maps refer to the latest available calculation. If the calculation for the last advisory is not completed, the latest available calculation is shown.

Storm Surge Exposed population - AoIs

Storm Surge Exposed locations

Calculation based on the bulletin of 08 Feb 2024 18:00 UTC
Alert Date (UTC) Name Country Storm surge height (m)
08 Feb 2024 23:45 Lautoka Fiji  0.3
08 Feb 2024 23:45 Nailanga Fiji  0.3
08 Feb 2024 23:45 Sorokoba Fiji  0.3
08 Feb 2024 23:45 Ba Fiji  0.3
08 Feb 2024 20:00 Natunuka Fiji  0.3
08 Feb 2024 19:15 Korosi Fiji  0.2
08 Feb 2024 19:15 Korotasere Fiji  0.2
08 Feb 2024 19:15 Naweni Fiji  0.2
08 Feb 2024 19:15 Nakarambo Fiji  0.2
08 Feb 2024 19:15 Viani Fiji  0.2
08 Feb 2024 19:15 Ndrekeniwai Fiji  0.2
08 Feb 2024 19:15 Mbangasau Fiji  0.2
09 Feb 2024 00:00 Navinggiri Fiji  0.2
09 Feb 2024 00:00 Yangganga Fiji  0.2
09 Feb 2024 00:00 Ndalomo Fiji  0.2
09 Feb 2024 00:00 Nawailevu Fiji  0.2
09 Feb 2024 00:00 Nasarowangga Fiji  0.2
09 Feb 2024 00:00 Navindamu Fiji  0.2
08 Feb 2024 19:15 Malake Fiji  0.2
08 Feb 2024 19:00 Rakiraki Fiji  0.2
08 Feb 2024 19:00 Vaileka Fiji  0.2
08 Feb 2024 19:00 Nanukuloa Fiji  0.2
08 Feb 2024 19:00 Nasau Fiji  0.2
08 Feb 2024 19:45 Tavua Fiji  0.2
08 Feb 2024 19:15 Lao Fiji  0.2
09 Feb 2024 00:00 Nanduri Fiji  0.2
09 Feb 2024 00:00 Vatutandova Fiji  0.2
08 Feb 2024 19:00 Biagunu Fiji  0.2
08 Feb 2024 19:30 Rabulu Fiji  0.2
08 Feb 2024 20:00 Namaka Fiji  0.2
08 Feb 2024 19:15 Koroinasolo Fiji  0.2
08 Feb 2024 19:15 Naruwai Fiji  0.2
08 Feb 2024 19:15 Nabouwalu Fiji  0.2
08 Feb 2024 20:00 Nadi Fiji  0.2
08 Feb 2024 23:45 Nagumu Fiji  0.2
08 Feb 2024 19:30 Soso Fiji  0.2
08 Feb 2024 19:30 Somosomo Fiji  0.2
08 Feb 2024 19:30 Matayalevu Fiji  0.2
08 Feb 2024 19:30 Matacawalevu Fiji  0.2
08 Feb 2024 19:30 Sisili Fiji  0.2
08 Feb 2024 19:30 Togowere Fiji  0.2
08 Feb 2024 19:00 Nailou Fiji  0.2
08 Feb 2024 19:00 Nawi Fiji  0.2
08 Feb 2024 19:00 Vunikura Fiji  0.2
08 Feb 2024 19:45 Nasea Fiji  0.2
08 Feb 2024 19:45 Vunivatu Fiji  0.2
08 Feb 2024 19:45 Navukembuli Fiji  0.2
08 Feb 2024 20:00 Solevu Fiji  0.2
08 Feb 2024 19:30 Nacula Fiji  0.1
08 Feb 2024 19:30 Navotua Fiji  0.1
08 Feb 2024 20:00 Momi Fiji  0.1
08 Feb 2024 23:45 Nalauwaki Fiji  0.1
08 Feb 2024 22:00 Kasavu Fiji  0.1
08 Feb 2024 22:00 Korovou Fiji  0.1
08 Feb 2024 22:00 Lodoni Fiji  0.1
08 Feb 2024 22:00 Naimasimasi Fiji  0.1
08 Feb 2024 22:00 Ucunivanua Fiji  0.1
08 Feb 2024 22:00 Cautata Fiji  0.1
08 Feb 2024 22:00 Navuti Fiji  0.1
08 Feb 2024 22:00 Nasaga Fiji  0.1
08 Feb 2024 22:00 Lovoni Fiji  0.1
08 Feb 2024 22:00 Levuka Fiji  0.1
08 Feb 2024 19:30 Lawaki Fiji  0.1
08 Feb 2024 19:30 Naingani Fiji  0.1
08 Feb 2024 19:30 Rukuruku Fiji  0.1
08 Feb 2024 23:00 Galoa Fiji  0.1
08 Feb 2024 23:00 Yanutha Fiji  0.1
08 Feb 2024 23:00 Matavuralevu Fiji  0.1
08 Feb 2024 23:00 Pacific Harbour Fiji  0.1
08 Feb 2024 23:00 Waisomo Fiji  0.1
08 Feb 2024 23:00 Dakuimbeqa Fiji  0.1
08 Feb 2024 23:00 Lalati Fiji  0.1
08 Feb 2024 23:00 Navua Fiji  0.1
08 Feb 2024 23:00 Naitionitoni Fiji  0.1
08 Feb 2024 23:00 Mau Fiji  0.1
09 Feb 2024 00:00 Nikaura Vanuatu  0.1
09 Feb 2024 00:00 Tavio Vanuatu  0.1
09 Feb 2024 00:00 Leman Vanuatu  0.1
09 Feb 2024 00:00 Votlo Vanuatu  0.1
09 Feb 2024 00:00 Mate Vanuatu  0.1
09 Feb 2024 00:00 Nul Vanuatu  0.1
09 Feb 2024 00:00 Filakara Vanuatu  0.1
09 Feb 2024 00:00 Lambukuti Vanuatu  0.1
08 Feb 2024 23:45 Nayavutoka Fiji  0.1
08 Feb 2024 23:00 Prony New Caledonia  0.1
08 Feb 2024 23:00 Ouara New Caledonia  0.1
08 Feb 2024 23:00 Goro New Caledonia  0.1
08 Feb 2024 19:30 Nauouo Fiji  0.1
08 Feb 2024 19:45 Tamusua Fiji  0.1
08 Feb 2024 22:45 Paita New Caledonia  0.1
08 Feb 2024 22:45 Nouville New Caledonia  0.1
08 Feb 2024 22:45 Noumea New Caledonia  0.1
08 Feb 2024 22:45 Dumbea New Caledonia  0.1
08 Feb 2024 22:45 Comm. du Mont-Dore New Caledonia  0.1
08 Feb 2024 22:45 Saint-Louis New Caledonia  0.1
08 Feb 2024 22:45 Plum New Caledonia  0.1
08 Feb 2024 22:30 Yandina Solomon Islands  0.1
08 Feb 2024 23:30 Tavua Fiji  0.1
08 Feb 2024 19:00 Namboutini Fiji  0.1
08 Feb 2024 19:45 Teci Fiji  0.1
08 Feb 2024 19:45 Mbukama Fiji  0.1
08 Feb 2024 23:30 Poro New Caledonia  0.1
08 Feb 2024 23:30 Kouaoua New Caledonia  0.1
09 Feb 2024 00:00 Segond Vanuatu  0.1
09 Feb 2024 00:00 Asavagas Vanuatu  0.1
08 Feb 2024 23:30 Vieux Tuho New Caledonia  0.1
08 Feb 2024 23:30 Touho New Caledonia  0.1
08 Feb 2024 23:30 Kokengone New Caledonia  0.1
08 Feb 2024 23:30 Saint-Denis New Caledonia  0.1
08 Feb 2024 23:30 Poindimie New Caledonia  0.1
08 Feb 2024 23:30 Bayes New Caledonia  0.1
08 Feb 2024 21:00 Tiabet New Caledonia  0.1
08 Feb 2024 21:00 Poum-Plage New Caledonia  0.1
08 Feb 2024 20:45 Panane New Caledonia  0.1
08 Feb 2024 20:45 Mouane New Caledonia  0.1
08 Feb 2024 20:45 Ono New Caledonia  0.1
08 Feb 2024 19:45 Yasawairara Fiji  0.1
08 Feb 2024 19:45 Napuka Fiji  0.1
09 Feb 2024 00:00 Wowo Vanuatu  0.1
09 Feb 2024 00:00 Laruru Vanuatu  0.1
09 Feb 2024 00:00 Vao Vanuatu  0.1
08 Feb 2024 23:30 Sopanitogha Solomon Islands  0.1
08 Feb 2024 23:30 Ambuavao Solomon Islands  0.1
08 Feb 2024 23:30 Ghorambau Solomon Islands  0.1
08 Feb 2024 23:30 Komuvadha Solomon Islands  0.1
08 Feb 2024 23:30 Ngalikomba Solomon Islands  0.1
08 Feb 2024 23:30 Komukea Solomon Islands  0.1
08 Feb 2024 23:30 Kulu Solomon Islands  0.1
08 Feb 2024 23:30 Mbokoaghau Solomon Islands  0.1
08 Feb 2024 23:30 Tambunimane Solomon Islands  0.1
08 Feb 2024 23:30 Mbelasara Solomon Islands  0.1
08 Feb 2024 23:30 Vanuagobu Solomon Islands  0.1
08 Feb 2024 23:45 Utanlangi Vanuatu  0.1
08 Feb 2024 23:45 Nekapa Vanuatu  0.1
08 Feb 2024 23:45 Emua Vanuatu  0.1
08 Feb 2024 23:45 Laonomoa Vanuatu  0.1
08 Feb 2024 23:45 Onesoua Vanuatu  0.1
08 Feb 2024 23:45 Marow Vanuatu  0.1
08 Feb 2024 23:45 Ebao Vanuatu  0.1
08 Feb 2024 19:45 Savu Sau Fiji  0.1
08 Feb 2024 19:30 Ndenimanu Fiji  0.1
08 Feb 2024 23:45 Faroun Vanuatu  0.1
08 Feb 2024 23:45 Rerep Vanuatu  0.1
08 Feb 2024 23:45 Lambulmbatuei Vanuatu  0.1
08 Feb 2024 23:45 Meriver Vanuatu  0.1
08 Feb 2024 23:45 Bourbar Vanuatu  0.1
08 Feb 2024 23:45 Lamap Vanuatu  0.1
08 Feb 2024 23:45 Fali Vanuatu  0.1