Overall Green alert Volcanic eruption for Lewotobi
in Indonesia

Media coverage of this event

Articles: 182
Articles about casualties: 44 (24.2%)
Articles in last hour: 0

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All headlines on this Alert

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Tres países en emergencia: Volcanes en Islandia, Indonesia y Japón entran en erupción

2024-01-15T17:57+0100diariodemorelos (es)

Una serie de erupciones volcánicas simultáneas ha desencadenado evacuaciones masivas y escenas impactantes en Islandia, Indonesia y Japón. Los eventos, que incluyen ríos de lava y actividad sísmica intensificada, han puesto en alerta a las autoridades y residentes en estas regiones geográficas. Islandia: Nueva erupción desata caos en Grindavik.

Des villageois évacués après une nouvelle éruption du Marapi

2024-01-15T15:33+0100lapresse-CA (fr)

(Padang) Le mont Marapi, un volcan situé sur l’île indonésienne de Sumatra, est de nouveau entré en éruption dimanche matin, crachant des cendres volcaniques qui ont recouvert les villages voisins alors que plus de 150 personnes ont déjà été évacuées, ont indiqué les autorités.

Indonesia - Volcanic eruption (MAGMA Indonesia, media) (ECHO Daily Flash of 15 January 2024)

2024-01-15T13:52+0100reliefWeb (en)

On 14 January, Mount Marapi located in West Sumatra Province, erupted again and an ash column reached up to 1,500 m above the crater. According to media reports the ash-fall reached the nearby villages and up to 100 people have been evacuated since 12 January. In early December 2023, Marapi erupted and killed 24 people and injured several others.

Indonesian volcano Mount Merapi erupts again, causing ash rain and evacuations

2024-01-15T08:50+0100phuketgazette (en)

, an Indonesia n volcano, erupted for the second time in a month , sending a 1,300-metre high plume of ash into the sky and covering nearby homes, vehicles, and evacuation tents in volcanic ash. This latest eruption occurred on Sunday, with no reported fatalities.

Indonesia, eruzione del vulcano Lewotobi Laki-laki: migliaia di evacuati sull’isola di Florez

2024-01-15T08:24+0100meteoweb (it)

L'impatto delle eruzioni ha spinto il governo indonesiano a ordinare evacuazioni. In risposta all’eruzione del vulcano Lewotobi Laki-laki , che ha prodotto spesse nubi di cenere brunastra sull’isola di Flores, l’ Indonesia ha attuato un’operazione di evacuazione che ha coinvolto circa 6.500 persone.

Indonesia evacuates about 6,500 people on the island of Flores after a volcano spews clouds of ash

2024-01-15T07:51+0100ABCnews (en)

FLORES TIMUR, Indonesia -- Indonesia has evacuated about 6,500 people on the island of Flores after Mount Lewotobi Laki-laki volcano spewed thick clouds of brownish ash for the past days, authorities said on Monday. No casualties or major damage have been reported so far.

Indonesia’s Mount Marapi Erupts Again, Leading to Evacuations but No Reported Casualties

2024-01-15T06:03+0100theepochtimes (en)

AGAM, Indonesia —Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupted again on Sunday, spewing smoke and ash high into the air, but no casualties were reported. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in West Sumatra province recorded an eruption with an ash column about 1,300 meters (4,265 feet) high from its peak, followed by ash rain.

Il vulcano Marabi in Indonesia ha eruttato per la seconda volta in poco più di un mese

2024-01-15T05:06+0100gexperience (it)

Il ministero ha avvertito residenti e visitatori di non avvicinarsi a un raggio di 4,5 chilometri (2,8 miglia) dal cratere Verbeek dove si è verificata l'eruzione e ha chiesto ai residenti delle comunità vicine di indossare maschere in caso di caduta di cenere.

Two-year anniversary of Tonga's tsunami terror

2024-01-15T00:18+0100wn (en)

Today marks the second anniversary of the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai volcanic eruption which devastated the kingdom of Tonga. The Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai eruption is the largest since the 1883 eruption of Krakatoa in Indonesia , and the largest ever recorded by modern instrumentation.

Solidarity for Eruption Victims on the Lewotobi Slopes

2024-01-15T00:07+0100kompas-id (en)

"Their house is located around there, so they are not safe from the mountain eruption. For the time being, I ask them to stay at my house. They are my guests," said Yohanes while pointing towards the mountain standing at a height of 1,584 meters above sea level." The guests in question are refugees affected by a volcanic eruption.

Two-year anniversary of Tonga's tsunami terror

2024-01-14T20:58+0100rnz-co-nz (en)

of Tonga. The Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai eruption is the largest since the 1883 eruption of Krakatoa in Indonesia , and the largest ever recorded by modern instrumentation. The violent force of the eruption triggered a tsunami that killed three people and left thousands homeless.

Two-year anniversary of Tonga's tsunami terror

2024-01-14T20:58+0100radionz (en)

of Tonga. The Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai eruption is the largest since the 1883 eruption of Krakatoa in Indonesia , and the largest ever recorded by modern instrumentation. The violent force of the eruption triggered a tsunami that killed three people and left thousands homeless.

Alerta máxima, volcanes hacen erupción en.. Hace 2 minutos No se reportaron personas heridas

2024-01-14T19:25+0100zocalo (es)

Ciudad de México.- Un volcán en la localidad de Grindavik al suroeste de Islandia , lo lo que activó la alerta máxima para los habitantes de la región que tuvieron que ser evacuados de emergencia ante el peligro de la lava que emanó del cráter. Indonesia y Japón también registraron actividad volcánica.

Éruption de deux volcans sur les îles de Sumatra et de Florès en Indonésie

2024-01-14T17:15+0100rtl-BE (fr)

Publié il y a 53 min Deux volcans sont entrés en éruption dimanche sur les îles de Florès et de Sumatra, en Indonésie. Des cendres s'élevant à plus d'un kilomètre ont été projetées dans l'air. Très actif depuis plusieurs semaines, le volcan Mapari, situé sur l'île de Sumatra, est de nouveau entré....

Ver más noticias en volcan

2024-01-14T16:39+0100laverdadnoticias (es)

Una nueva erupción volcánica se registró el domingo por la mañana al norte de la localidad islandesa de Grindavik; se desalojó a 4 mil pesonas. Islandia estaba en alerta máxima por una erupción en la península de Reykjanes después de semanas de intensa actividad sísmica.

Islande, Japon, Indonésie… trois volcans entrent en éruption presque au même moment

2024-01-14T15:55+0100ladepeche (fr)

à la suite de centaines de séismes souterrains (signe précurseur d'une éruption volcanique). L'état d'urgence avait été déclaré. Les quelques dizaines d'habitants qui s'étaient réinstallés à Grindavik ont dû quitter les lieux vers 3h du matin, heure locale.

Indonesia's Mount Marapi erupts again, leading to evacuations

2024-01-14T15:53+0100abc7ny (en)

AGAM, Indonesia -- Indonesia's Mount Marapi erupted again on Sunday, spewing smoke and ash high into the air, but no casualties were reported. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in West Sumatra province recorded an eruption with an ash column about 1,300 meters (4,265 feet) high from its peak, followed by ash rain.

El monte Marapi vuelve a hacer erupción y provoca evacuaciones, sin reportes de víctimas

2024-01-14T15:28+0100n-com-do (es)

AGAM, Indonesia :— El monte Marapi en Indonesia volvió a hacer erupción el domingo y expulsó ceniza y nubes de material volcánico, sin que se reportaran víctimas. El Puesto de Observación del Volcán Marapi, en la provincia de Sumatra Occidental, registró una columna de cenizas que alcanzó los 1.300 metros (4.

Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupts again, leading to evacuations but no reported casualties

2024-01-14T14:08+0100arabtimes (en)

AGAM, Indonesia , Jan 14, (AP): Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupted again on Sunday, spewing smoke and ash high into the air, but no casualties were reported. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in West Sumatra province recorded an eruption with an ash column about 1,300 meters (4,265 feet) high from its peak, followed by ash rain.

Indonésie: des villageois évacués après une nouvelle éruption du Marapi

2024-01-14T13:33+0100rtl-BE (fr)

Publié aujourd'hui à 10h52 Le mont Marapi, un volcan situé sur l'île indonésienne de Sumatra, est de nouveau entré en éruption dimanche matin, crachant des cendres volcaniques qui ont recouvert les villages voisins alors que plus de 150 personnes ont déjà évacué, ont indiqué les autorités.

Indonésie: des villageois évacués après une nouvelle éruption du Marapi

2024-01-14T12:31+0100sciencesetavenir (fr)

Le mont Marapi, un volcan situé sur l'île indonésienne de Sumatra, est de nouveau entré en éruption dimanche matin, crachant des cendres volcaniques qui ont recouvert les villages voisins alors que plus de 150 personnes ont déjà évacué, ont indiqué les autorités.

Chile: temblor de magnitud 4.3 en Socaire

2024-01-14T12:18+0100infobae (es)

Según los reportes oficiales preliminares, el movimiento inició a las 07:57 (hora local), se originó a 102.0 kilómetros al Sureste de dicha ciudad y tuvo una profundidad de 190.0 kilómetros. Recuerda que ante cualquier sismo sigue información únicamente de fuentes oficiales , evita caer en rumores o noticias falsas.

Indonésie: des villageois évacués après une nouvelle éruption du Marapi

2024-01-14T12:07+0100la-croix (fr)

Des villageois indonésiens font une consultation médicale, certains souffrant de problèmes respiratoires à cause des cendres émises par l'éruption du volcan Marapi. FAIRUZ SYAUGI / AFP. Des villageois indonésiens font une consultation médicale, certains souffrant de problèmes respiratoires à cause....

Indonésie: des villageois évacués après une nouvelle éruption du Marapi

2024-01-14T11:54+0100actu-orange (fr)

Le mont Marapi, un volcan situé sur l'île indonésienne de Sumatra, est de nouveau entré en éruption dimanche matin, crachant des cendres volcaniques qui ont recouvert les villages voisins alors que plus de 150 personnes ont déjà évacué, ont indiqué les autorités.

Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupts again, sparking village evacuations but no deaths

2024-01-14T10:58+0100breakingnews-ie (en)

The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in the province of West Sumatra recorded an eruption with an ash column about 4,265ft (1,300m) high from its peak, followed by ash rain. Sprays of ash from the eruption were seen blanketing roads and vehicles in nearby villages.

Indonesia, erutta il Monte Marapi: la colonna di cenere a Sumatra

2024-01-14T10:48+0100zazoom-it (it)

(Di domenica 14 gennaio 2024) Torna a erutta re il Monte Marapi , in Indonesia . Il vulcano complesso situato nell'isola di Sumatra ha esploso in aria fumo denso, creando una colonna di cenere alta più di 1.200 metri. Finora non si sono registrate vittime. La cenere ha ricoperto strade e veicoli nei villaggi vicini.

Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupts again, leading to evacuations of at least 100 residents

2024-01-14T09:30+0100nypost (en)

Mount Marapi spews volcanic material from its crater during an eruption in Agam, West Sumatra, Indonesia , Sunday, Jan. 14, 2024. AP. AGAM, Indonesia — Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupted again on Sunday, spewing smoke and ash high into the air, but no casualties were reported.

Villages evacuated as Mount Marapi erupts

2024-01-14T08:08+0100thenewdaily-au (en)

Indonesia ’s Mount Marapi has erupted again, spewing smoke and ash high into the air. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in West Sumatra province recorded an eruption on Sunday with an ash column about 1300 metres high from its peak, followed by ash rain.

Villages evacuated as Indonesia's Mount Marapi erupts

2024-01-14T07:29+0100newcastleherald (en)

Indonesia 's Mount Marapi has erupted again, spewing smoke and ash high into the air. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in West Sumatra province recorded an eruption on Sunday with an ash column about 1300 metres high from its peak, followed by ash rain.

Villages evacuated as Indonesia's Mount Marapi erupts

2024-01-14T07:27+0100dailyadvertiser (en)

Indonesia 's Mount Marapi has erupted again, spewing smoke and ash high into the air. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in West Sumatra province recorded an eruption on Sunday with an ash column about 1300 metres high from its peak, followed by ash rain.

Villages evacuated as Indonesia's Mount Marapi erupts

2024-01-14T07:26+0100maitlandmercury (en)

Indonesia 's Mount Marapi has erupted again, spewing smoke and ash high into the air. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in West Sumatra province recorded an eruption on Sunday with an ash column about 1300 metres high from its peak, followed by ash rain.

Villages evacuated as Indonesia's Mount Marapi erupts

2024-01-14T07:24+0100bordermail (en)

Indonesia 's Mount Marapi has erupted again, spewing smoke and ash high into the air. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in West Sumatra province recorded an eruption on Sunday with an ash column about 1300 metres high from its peak, followed by ash rain.

Villages evacuated as Indonesia's Mount Marapi erupts

2024-01-14T07:18+0100illawarramercury (en)

Indonesia 's Mount Marapi has erupted again, spewing smoke and ash high into the air. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in West Sumatra province recorded an eruption on Sunday with an ash column about 1300 metres high from its peak, followed by ash rain.

Villages evacuated as Indonesia's Mount Marapi erupts

2024-01-14T07:12+0100portstephensexaminer (en)

Indonesia 's Mount Marapi has erupted again, spewing smoke and ash high into the air. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in West Sumatra province recorded an eruption on Sunday with an ash column about 1300 metres high from its peak, followed by ash rain.

El monte Marapi vuelve a hacer erupción y provoca evacuaciones, sin reportes de víctimas

2024-01-14T07:00+0100elnuevoherald (es)

AGAM, Indonesia . El monte Marapi en Indonesia volvió a hacer erupción el domingo y expulsó ceniza y nubes de material volcánico, sin que se reportaran víctimas. El Puesto de Observación del Volcán Marapi, en la provincia de Sumatra Occidental, registró una columna de cenizas que alcanzó los 1.300 metros (4.

Indonesia’s Mount Marapi eruption leads to evacuations

2024-01-14T06:58+0100newsnow-co-uk (en)

on Sunday, spewing smoke and ash high into the air, but no casualties were reported. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in West Sumatra province recorded an eruption with an ash column about 1,300m (4,265ft) high from its peak, followed by ash rain. Sprays of ash from the eruption were seen blanketing roads and vehicles in nearby villages.

El monte Marapi vuelve a hacer erupción y provoca evacuaciones, sin reportes de víctimas

2024-01-14T06:58+0100lanacion-AR (es)

El monte Marapi expulsa material volcánico durante una erupción en Agam, Sumatra Occidental, Indonesia , el domingo 14 de enero de 2024. Docenas de personas que viven en las laderas del monte Marapi fueron evacuadas de sus casas después de que las autoridades indonesias elevaran el nivel de alerta del volcán al segundo más alto.

Indonesia's Mount Marapi Erupts Again, Leading To Evacuations But No Reported Casualties

2024-01-14T06:57+0100outlookindia (en)

Indonesia 's Mount Marapi erupted again on Sunday, spewing smoke and ash high into the air, but no casualties were reported. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in West Sumatra province recorded an eruption with an ash column about 1,300 meters (4,265 feet) high from its peak, followed by ash rain.

2024-01-14T11:15:44+05:30 - World Indonesia's Mount Marapi erupts again, leading to evacuations but no reported casualties

2024-01-14T06:53+0100Hindu (en)

Mount Marapi volcano spews volcanic ash during an eruption as seen from Nagari Bukik Batabuah in Agam, West Sumatra province, Indonesia on January 14, 2024, in this photo taken by Antara Foto. | Photo Credit: Antara Foto/Iggoy el Fitra/via Reuters. Indonesia's Mount Marapi erupted again on January....

El monte Marapi vuelve a hacer erupción y provoca evacuaciones, sin reportes de víctimas

2024-01-14T06:53+0100sandiegouniontribune (es)

AGAM, Indonesia — El monte Marapi en Indonesia volvió a hacer erupción el domingo y expulsó ceniza y nubes de material volcánico, sin que se reportaran víctimas. El Puesto de Observación del Volcán Marapi, en la provincia de Sumatra Occidental, registró una columna de cenizas que alcanzó los 1.300 metros (4.

Indonesia's Mount Marapi erupts again, leading to evacuations but no reported casualties

2024-01-14T06:52+0100thehindu (en)

Mount Marapi volcano spews volcanic ash during an eruption as seen from Nagari Bukik Batabuah in Agam, West Sumatra province, Indonesia on January 14, 2024, in this photo taken by Antara Foto. | Photo Credit: Antara Foto/Iggoy el Fitra/via Reuters. Indonesia's Mount Marapi erupted again on January....

Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupts again, no reported casualties

2024-01-14T06:48+0100inquirer (en)

Mount Marapi spews volcanic material from its crater during an eruption in Agam, West Sumatra, Indonesia , Sunday, Jan. 14, 2024. Dozens of people living on the slopes of Mount Marapi have been evacuated from their homes after Indonesian authorities raised the alert level of of the nearly 2,900-meter....

Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupts again sparking village evacuations but no deaths

2024-01-14T06:39+0100theargus (en)

No casualties were reported. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in the province of West Sumatra recorded an eruption with an ash column about 1,300 metres high from its peak, followed by ash rain. Sprays of ash from the eruption were seen blanketing roads and vehicles in nearby villages.

Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupts again sparking village evacuations but no deaths

2024-01-14T06:25+0100hertsad (en)

No casualties were reported. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in the province of West Sumatra recorded an eruption with an ash column about 1,300 metres high from its peak, followed by ash rain. Sprays of ash from the eruption were seen blanketing roads and vehicles in nearby villages.

Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupts again sparking village evacuations but no deaths

2024-01-14T06:23+0100thecomet (en)

No casualties were reported. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in the province of West Sumatra recorded an eruption with an ash column about 1,300 metres high from its peak, followed by ash rain. Sprays of ash from the eruption were seen blanketing roads and vehicles in nearby villages.

Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupts again sparking village evacuations but no deaths

2024-01-14T06:19+0100lbc (en)

14 January 2024, 04:54 Indonesia Volcano Eruption. Picture: PA Authorities have been evacuating nearby villages since Friday. Indonesia’s Mount Marapi has erupted again on Sunday, spewing smoke and ash high into the air. No casualties were reported. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in the....

Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupts again sparking village evacuations but no deaths

2024-01-14T06:14+0100dunmowbroadcast (en)

No casualties were reported. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in the province of West Sumatra recorded an eruption with an ash column about 1,300 metres high from its peak, followed by ash rain. Sprays of ash from the eruption were seen blanketing roads and vehicles in nearby villages.

Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupts again sparking village evacuations but no deaths

2024-01-14T06:09+0100eadt (en)

No casualties were reported. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in the province of West Sumatra recorded an eruption with an ash column about 1,300 metres high from its peak, followed by ash rain. Sprays of ash from the eruption were seen blanketing roads and vehicles in nearby villages.

Indonesia’s Mount Marapi eruption leads to evacuations but no casualties

2024-01-14T06:09+0100independent-UK (en)

on Sunday, spewing smoke and ash high into the air, but no casualties were reported. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in West Sumatra province recorded an eruption with an ash column about 1,300m (4,265ft) high from its peak, followed by ash rain. Sprays of ash from the eruption were seen blanketing roads and vehicles in nearby villages.

Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupts again sparking village evacuations but no deaths

2024-01-14T06:08+0100chesterfirst (en)

No casualties were reported. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in the province of West Sumatra recorded an eruption with an ash column about 1,300 metres high from its peak, followed by ash rain. Sprays of ash from the eruption were seen blanketing roads and vehicles in nearby villages.

Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupts again sparking village evacuations but no deaths

2024-01-14T06:07+0100greatyarmouthmercury (en)

No casualties were reported. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in the province of West Sumatra recorded an eruption with an ash column about 1,300 metres high from its peak, followed by ash rain. Sprays of ash from the eruption were seen blanketing roads and vehicles in nearby villages.

Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupts again sparking village evacuations but no deaths

2024-01-14T06:07+0100yourlocalguardian (en)

No casualties were reported. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in the province of West Sumatra recorded an eruption with an ash column about 1,300 metres high from its peak, followed by ash rain. Sprays of ash from the eruption were seen blanketing roads and vehicles in nearby villages.

Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupts again sparking village evacuations but no deaths

2024-01-14T06:04+0100impartialreporter (en)

No casualties were reported. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in the province of West Sumatra recorded an eruption with an ash column about 1,300 metres high from its peak, followed by ash rain. Sprays of ash from the eruption were seen blanketing roads and vehicles in nearby villages.

Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupts again sparking village evacuations but no deaths

2024-01-14T06:04+0100eveningnews24 (en)

No casualties were reported. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in the province of West Sumatra recorded an eruption with an ash column about 1,300 metres high from its peak, followed by ash rain. Sprays of ash from the eruption were seen blanketing roads and vehicles in nearby villages.

Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupts again sparking village evacuations but no deaths

2024-01-14T06:04+0100southwalesargus (en)

No casualties were reported. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in the province of West Sumatra recorded an eruption with an ash column about 1,300 metres high from its peak, followed by ash rain. Sprays of ash from the eruption were seen blanketing roads and vehicles in nearby villages.

Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupts again sparking village evacuations but no deaths

2024-01-14T06:04+0100thenorthernecho (en)

No casualties were reported. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in the province of West Sumatra recorded an eruption with an ash column about 1,300 metres high from its peak, followed by ash rain. Sprays of ash from the eruption were seen blanketing roads and vehicles in nearby villages.

Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupts again sparking village evacuations but no deaths

2024-01-14T06:03+0100thetelegraphandargus (en)

No casualties were reported. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in the province of West Sumatra recorded an eruption with an ash column about 1,300 metres high from its peak, followed by ash rain. Sprays of ash from the eruption were seen blanketing roads and vehicles in nearby villages.

Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupts again sparking village evacuations but no deaths

2024-01-14T06:02+0100salisburyjournal (en)

No casualties were reported. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in the province of West Sumatra recorded an eruption with an ash column about 1,300 metres high from its peak, followed by ash rain. Sprays of ash from the eruption were seen blanketing roads and vehicles in nearby villages.

Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupts again sparking village evacuations but no deaths

2024-01-14T06:00+0100thecourier (en)

Indonesia ’s Mount Marapi has erupted again on Sunday, spewing smoke and ash high into the air. No casualties were reported. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in the province of West Sumatra recorded an eruption with an ash column about 1,300 metres high from its peak, followed by ash rain.

Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupts again sparking village evacuations but no deaths

2024-01-14T05:59+0100newsandstar (en)

No casualties were reported. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in the province of West Sumatra recorded an eruption with an ash column about 1,300 metres high from its peak, followed by ash rain. Sprays of ash from the eruption were seen blanketing roads and vehicles in nearby villages.

Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupts again sparking village evacuations but no deaths

2024-01-14T05:59+0100pressandjournal (en)

Indonesia ’s Mount Marapi has erupted again on Sunday, spewing smoke and ash high into the air. No casualties were reported. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in the province of West Sumatra recorded an eruption with an ash column about 1,300 metres high from its peak, followed by ash rain.

Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupts again sparking village evacuations but no deaths

2024-01-14T05:59+0100yorkpress (en)

No casualties were reported. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in the province of West Sumatra recorded an eruption with an ash column about 1,300 metres high from its peak, followed by ash rain. Sprays of ash from the eruption were seen blanketing roads and vehicles in nearby villages.

Indonesia's Mount Marapi erupts again, leading to evacuations but no reported casualties43 mins ago 1m read

2024-01-14T05:59+0100newsday-USA (en)

AGAM, Indonesia — Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupted again on Sunday, spewing smoke and ash high into the air, but no casualties were reported. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in West Sumatra province recorded an eruption with an ash column about 1,300 meters (4,265 feet) high from its peak, followed by ash rain.

Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupts again sparking village evacuations but no deaths

2024-01-14T05:58+0100oxfordtimes (en)

No casualties were reported. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in the province of West Sumatra recorded an eruption with an ash column about 1,300 metres high from its peak, followed by ash rain. Sprays of ash from the eruption were seen blanketing roads and vehicles in nearby villages.

Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupts again sparking village evacuations but no deaths

2024-01-14T05:56+0100dailyecho (en)

No casualties were reported. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in the province of West Sumatra recorded an eruption with an ash column about 1,300 metres high from its peak, followed by ash rain. Sprays of ash from the eruption were seen blanketing roads and vehicles in nearby villages.

Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupts again sparking village evacuations but no deaths

2024-01-14T05:56+0100irishexaminer (en)

The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in the province of West Sumatra recorded an eruption with an ash column about 1,300 metres high from its peak, followed by ash rain. Sprays of ash from the eruption were seen blanketing roads and vehicles in nearby villages.

Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupts again sparking village evacuations but no deaths05:50

2024-01-14T05:55+0100belfasttelegraph (en)

No casualties were reported. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in the province of West Sumatra recorded an eruption with an ash column about 1,300 metres high from its peak, followed by ash rain. Sprays of ash from the eruption were seen blanketing roads and vehicles in nearby villages.

Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupts again sparking village evacuations but no deaths

2024-01-14T05:55+0100edp24 (en)

No casualties were reported. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in the province of West Sumatra recorded an eruption with an ash column about 1,300 metres high from its peak, followed by ash rain. Sprays of ash from the eruption were seen blanketing roads and vehicles in nearby villages.

Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupts again sparking village evacuations but no deaths

2024-01-14T05:55+0100eveningtelegraph (en)

Indonesia ’s Mount Marapi has erupted again on Sunday, spewing smoke and ash high into the air. No casualties were reported. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in the province of West Sumatra recorded an eruption with an ash column about 1,300 metres high from its peak, followed by ash rain.

Indonesia's Mount Marapi Erupts Again, Leading to Evacuations but No Reported Casualties

2024-01-14T05:24+0100voanews (en)

AGAM, Indonesia — Indonesia's Mount Marapi erupted again on Sunday, spewing smoke and ash high into the air, but no casualties were reported. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in West Sumatra province recorded an eruption with an ash column about 1,300 meters high from its peak, followed by ash rain.

Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupts again, leading to evacuations but no reported casualties

2024-01-14T05:23+0100triblive (en)

AGAM, Indonesia Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupted again on Sunday, spewing smoke and ash high into the air, but no casualties were reported. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in West Sumatra province recorded an eruption with an ash column about 4,265 feet high from its peak, followed by ash rain.

Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupts again, leading to evacuations but no reported casualties

2024-01-14T05:12+0100therepublic (en)

AGAM, Indonesia (AP) — Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupted again on Sunday, spewing smoke and ash high into the air, but no casualties were reported. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in West Sumatra province recorded an eruption with an ash column about 1,300 meters (4,265 feet) high from its peak, followed by ash rain.

Indonesia's Mount Marapi erupts again, leading to evacuations but no reported casualties

2024-01-14T05:11+0100cp24 (en)

AGAM, Indonesia (AP) - Indonesia's Mount Marapi erupted again on Sunday, spewing smoke and ash high into the air, but no casualties were reported. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in West Sumatra province recorded an eruption with an ash column about 1,300 meters (4,265 feet) high from its peak, followed by ash rain.

Photos: At least 100 evacuated as Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupts again

2024-01-14T05:06+0100khaleejtimes (en)

Its eruption in early December shot thick columns of ash as high as 3 kilometres that killed 24 climbers and injured several others. Indonesia ’s Mount Marapi erupted again on Sunday, spewing smoke and ash high into the air, but no casualties were reported.

Indonesia's Mount Marapi erupts again, leads to evacuations, no casualties

2024-01-14T05:05+0100business-standard (en)

At least 100 residents have been evacuated since Friday after Indonesia n authorities raised the alert level of the volcano from Level 2 to Level 3, or the second-highest level, on Wednesday. Marapi is known for sudden eruptions that are difficult to predict because they are not caused by a deep....

Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupts again, leading to evacuations but no reported casualties

2024-01-14T05:05+0100tribtown (en)

Mount Marapi spews volcanic material from its crater during an eruption in Agam, West Sumatra, Indonesia , Sunday, Jan. 14, 2024. Dozens of people living on the slopes of Mount Marapi have been evacuated from their homes after Indonesian authorities raised the alert level of of the nearly 2,900-meter....

Another eruption recorded at Indonesia’s Mount Marapi

2024-01-14T05:00+0100vervetimes (en)

AGAM, Indonesia – Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupted again on Sunday, spewing smoke and ash high into the air, but no casualties were reported. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in West Sumatra province recorded an eruption with an ash column about 1,300 meters (4,265 feet) high from its peak, followed by ash rain.

Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupts again, leading to evacuations but no reported casualties

2024-01-14T04:57+0100stripes (en)

Mount Marapi spews volcanic material from its crater during an eruption in Agam, West Sumatra, Indonesia , Sunday, Jan. 14, 2024. Dozens of people living on the slopes of Mount Marapi have been evacuated from their homes after Indonesian authorities raised the alert level of of the nearly 9,480-foot....

Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupts again, leading to evacuations but no reported casualties

2024-01-14T04:55+0100dailyjournal (en)

AGAM, Indonesia (AP) — Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupted again on Sunday, spewing smoke and ash high into the air, but no casualties were reported. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in West Sumatra province recorded an eruption with an ash column about 1,300 meters (4,265 feet) high from its peak, followed by ash rain.

Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupts again, leading to …

2024-01-14T04:50+0100wearecentralpa (en)

Mount Marapi spews volcanic material from its crater during an eruption in Agam, West Sumatra, Indonesia , Sunday, Jan. 14, 2024. Dozens of people living on the slopes of Mount Marapi have been evacuated from their homes after Indonesian authorities raised the alert level of of the nearly 2,900-meter....

World News | Indonesia's Mount Marapi Erupts Again, Leading to Evacuations but No Reported Casualties

2024-01-14T04:50+0100latestly (en)

Agam ( Indonesia ), Jan 14 (AP) Indonesia's Mount Marapi erupted again on Sunday, spewing smoke and ash high into the air, but no casualties were reported. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in West Sumatra province recorded an eruption with an ash column about 1,300 meters (4,265 feet) high from its peak, followed by ash rain.

Indonesian volcano Mount Marapi erupts again

2024-01-14T04:49+0100ABCnews (en)

AGAM, Indonesia -- Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupted again on Sunday, spewing smoke and ash high into the air, but no casualties were reported. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in West Sumatra province recorded an eruption with an ash column about 1,300 meters (4,265 feet) high from its peak, followed by ash rain.

Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupts again, leading to evacuations but no reported casualties

2024-01-14T04:44+0100independent-UK (en)

Indonesia ’s Mount Marapi erupted again on Sunday, spewing smoke and ash high into the air, but no casualties were reported. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in West Sumatra province recorded an eruption with an ash column about 1,300 meters (4,265 feet) high from its peak, followed by ash rain.

Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupts again, leading to …

2024-01-14T04:43+0100wowktv (en)

Mount Marapi spews volcanic material from its crater during an eruption in Agam, West Sumatra, Indonesia , Sunday, Jan. 14, 2024. Dozens of people living on the slopes of Mount Marapi have been evacuated from their homes after Indonesian authorities raised the alert level of of the nearly 2,900-meter....

Indonesia's Mount Marapi erupts again, leading to evacuations but no reported casualties

2024-01-14T04:35+0100devdiscourse (en)

Country: Indonesia SHARE; Indonesia's Mount Marapi erupted again on Sunday, spewing smoke and ash high into the air, but no casualties were reported. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in West Sumatra province recorded an eruption with an ash column about 1,300 meters (4,265 feet) high from its peak, followed by ash rain.

Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupts again, leading to evacuations but no reported casualties

2024-01-14T04:30+0100apnews (en)

AGAM, Indonesia (AP) — Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupted again on Sunday, spewing smoke and ash high into the air, but no casualties were reported. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in West Sumatra province recorded an eruption with an ash column about 1,300 meters (4,265 feet) high from its peak, followed by ash rain.

Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupts again, leading to evacuations but no reported casualties

2024-01-14T04:28+0100sandiegouniontribune (en)

AGAM, Indonesia — Indonesia’s Mount Marapi erupted again on Sunday, spewing smoke and ash high into the air, but no casualties were reported. The Marapi Volcano Observation Post in West Sumatra province recorded an eruption with an ash column about 1,300 meters (4,265 feet) high from its peak, followed by ash rain.

El Monte Marapi de Indonesia arroja ceniza volcánica mientras las autoridades aumentan la alerta y cientos de residentes son evacuados un mes después de que la erupción matara a 23 personas.

2024-01-14T01:36+0100notiulti (es)

Las autoridades han impuesto una zona de exclusión de 4,5 kilómetros desde su cráter. El monte Marapi de Indonesia arrojó hoy columnas de ceniza cuando las autoridades elevaron el estado de alerta del volcán al nivel más alto, un mes después de una erupción que dejó 23 muertos.

Lewotobi Lakilaki volcano (Flores, Indonesia) field report: lava flow eruption continues

2024-01-13T23:19+0100volcanodiscovery (en)

On-site observations from Andi, our expedition guide and leader for VolcanoDiscovery Indonesia , provide us first-hand information about the ongoing activity. The elevated effusive-explosive eruption of the volcano continues. The lava flow on the southern flank continues to be active.

Indonesia's Mount Marapi spews volcanic ash as authorities raise alert and hundreds of residents are evacuated a month after eruption killed 23

2024-01-13T13:27+0100dailymail (en)

's Mount Marapi today spewed columns of volcanic ash as authorities raised the volcano's alert status to the highest level, a month after an eruption from the volcano left 23 dead. Hundreds of residents in the Tanah Datar District of West Sumatra have been evacuated to temporary shelters and are....

Nuevo sismo sacude a Chile: magnitud 4.3 en Socaire

2024-01-13T09:52+0100infobae (es)

Según los reportes oficiales preliminares, el movimiento inició a las 05:26 (hora local), se originó a 115.0 kilómetros al Este de dicha ciudad y tuvo una profundidad de 192.0 kilómetros. Recuerda que ante cualquier terremoto sigue información únicamente de fuentes oficiales , evita caer en rumores o noticias falsas.

The impact of the eruption of Mount Lewotobi on men spreads, refugees increase

2024-01-13T08:37+0100kompas-id (en)

KOMPAS/FRANSISKUS PATI HERIN. The lava flow of Mount Lewotobi Laki-laki in East Flores Regency, East Nusa Tenggara, during the eruption on Saturday (13/1/2024). The lava flowed towards the northeast. LARANTUKA, KOMPAS — The eruption of Lewotobi Laki-laki Volcano in East Flores Regency, East Nusa....

Semeru Volcanic Ash Has Disrupted Flights in Malang

2024-01-12T12:31+0100kompas-id (en)

KOMPAS/DEFRI WERDIONO. Several passengers have just arrived and are heading towards the departure lounge at Abdulrachman Saleh Airport in Malang, East Java, on Friday (1/12/2024). MALANG, KOMPAS - Flight activities at Abdulrachman Saleh Malang Airport, East Java, were disrupted by volcanic ash from Mount Semeru on Friday (12/1/2024).

Indonésie : plus de 5.400 personnes déplacées à cause de l'éruption du mont Lewotobi

2024-01-12T00:33+0100french-news (fr)

JAKARTA, 11 janvier (Xinhua) -- Un total de 5.464 personnes ont été déplacées en raison de l'activité volcanique accrue du mont Lewotobi Laki-Laki dans la province indonésienne du Nusa Tenggara oriental, a annoncé jeudi l'Agence nationale de gestion des catastrophes naturelles (BNPB).

Temblor en Chile: sismo de 4.0 de magnitud

2024-01-11T23:50+0100infobae (es)

De acuerdo con la información oficial hasta ahora publicada, el movimiento telúrico comenzó a las 19:34 horas (hora local), cuando la tierra se movió a una profundidad de 118.0 kilómetros. La CNS informó que la ubicación exacta del epicentro fue a -32.685 grados de latitud y -69.923 grados de longitud, es decir, a 65.

Volcanic activity worldwide 11 Jan 2024: Santiaguito volcano, Fuego, Popocatépetl, Semeru, Marapi, ...

2024-01-11T22:13+0100volcanodiscovery (en)

(11 Jan ) Explosive activity continues. Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Tokyo warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 7000 ft (2100 m) altitude or flight level 070 and is moving at 20 kts in SE direction. The full report is as follows: : Explosive activity continues.

Indonesia's Mount Lewotobi Laki-Laki Erupts, Spews Ash Clouds Prompting Authorities To Raise Highest Alert Level

2024-01-11T17:47+0100natureworldnews (en)

The Mount Lewotobi Laki-Laki in Indonesia has erupted, prompting authorities to raise the alert level to ensure safety of residents. said the volcano had released ash clouds that were two kilometers above its peak. Due to this condition, officials raised the volcano's alert status to the highest level.

Lewotobi Lakilaki volcano (Flores, Indonesia) field report: strombolian activity continues with lava flows

2024-01-11T16:16+0100volcanodiscovery (en)

Andi, our expedition guide and leader for VolcanoDiscovery Indonesia , has been observing the volcano's behavior on-site to provide first-hand information during the past five days. The elevated effusive-explosive eruption at the volcano continues. Strombolian activity at the summit became....

Indonésie : plus de 5.400 personnes déplacées à cause de l'éruption du mont Lewotobi

2024-01-11T15:15+0100french.china.org.cn (fr)

Un total de 5.464 personnes ont été déplacées en raison de l'activité volcanique accrue du mont Lewotobi Laki-Laki dans la province indonésienne du Nusa Tenggara oriental, a annoncé jeudi l'Agence nationale de gestion des catastrophes naturelles (BNPB).

13h50 dans le stream – programme court féminin

2024-01-11T11:31+0100nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

Amine Harit fait partie des nombreux absents dans le groupe de l’Olympique de Marseille. L’international marocain va débuter la CAN avec le Maroc dans quelques. Les habitants de plusieurs villages en Indonésie ont été contraints de fuir après une alerte à l’éruption d’un volcan. La situation d’urgence a créé la.

Indonesian volcano erupts, highest alert raised

2024-01-10T17:13+0100manilatimes (en)

JAKARTA: Indonesia 's Mount Lewotobi Laki-Laki erupted again on Wednesday, spewing ash clouds 2 kilometers (6,561 feet) above its peak as authorities raised the volcano's alert status to the highest level. The eruption follows weeks of heightened volcanic activity on the mountain, located on eastern....

L'état d'alerte le plus élevé a été décrété pour le volcan Lewotobi Laki-Laki, situé sur l'île de Florès, après une nouvelle éruption mercredi. Indonésie | Nouvelle éruption Alerte maximale pour le volcan Lewotobi Laki-Laki

2024-01-10T15:42+0100journaldemontreal (fr)

L'état d'alerte le plus élevé a été décrété pour le volcan Lewotobi Laki-Laki, situé sur l'île de Florès, dans l'est de l'Indonésie, après une nouvelle éruption mercredi, ont indiqué les autorités. • À lire aussi: Indonésie: au moins 22 morts dans l'éruption du volcan Marapi Mercredi, après des....

L'état d'alerte le plus élevé a été décrété pour le volcan Lewotobi Laki-Laki, situé sur l'île de Florès, après une nouvelle éruption mercredi. Indonésie | Nouvelle éruption Alerte maximale pour le volcan Lewotobi Laki-Laki

2024-01-10T15:41+0100journaldequebec (fr)

L'état d'alerte le plus élevé a été décrété pour le volcan Lewotobi Laki-Laki, situé sur l'île de Florès, dans l'est de l'Indonésie, après une nouvelle éruption mercredi, ont indiqué les autorités. • À lire aussi: Indonésie: au moins 22 morts dans l'éruption du volcan Marapi Mercredi, après des....

Les habitants fuient après l’alerte à l’éruption d’un volcan en Indonésie

2024-01-10T15:13+0100nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

Les habitants fuient après l’alerte à l’éruption d’un volcan en Indonésie Les habitants de plusieurs villages en Indonésie ont été contraints de fuir après une alerte à l’éruption d’un volcan. La situation d’urgence a créé la panique parmi les résidents, qui ont dû abandonner leurs maisons et leurs biens pour échapper au danger imminent.

Indonesia’s Lewotobi Laki-Laki volcano erupts, on highest alert level

2024-01-10T14:27+0100TheFrontierPost-en (en)

by The Frontier Post JAKARTA (AFP): Indonesia ’s Mount Lewotobi Laki-Laki erupted anew Wednesday, spewing ash clouds two kilometres (6,561 feet) above its peak as authorities raised the volcano’s alert status to the highest level. The eruption follows weeks of heightened volcanic activity on the....

10 Most Destructive Tsunamis In History

2024-01-10T13:42+0100timesnownews (en)

Indian Ocean Tsunami, 2004. The tsunami, triggered by a powerful undersea earthquake off Sumatra's coast on December 26, claimed over 230,000 lives and wreaked havoc on coastal areas in India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia , Thailand, and Somalia. (Rep Image) Tohoku Tsunami, 2011. The tsunami on March 11, 2011, recorded a magnitude of 9.

Indonesia - Volcanic eruption (DG ECHO, BNPB, ADINet, MAGMA, media) (ECHO Daily Flash of 10 January 2024)

2024-01-10T13:34+0100reliefWeb (en)

Since December 2023, the activity of Lewotobi Laki-laki volcano, located in the southeastern part of the island of Flores, eastern Indonesia , has resulted in an increase in displacements. As of 10 January, 7,015 people have been affected, including more than 5,579 people displaced in 6 evacuation centres.

Indonésie : nouvelle éruption du volcan Lewotobi Laki-Laki

2024-01-10T10:09+0100linfo (fr)

Le volcan Lewotobi Laki-Laki , situé sur l’ île de Florès , dans l’est de l’ Indonésie , est entré en éruption. Après des semaines de surveillance, les autorités ont émis un ordre d’évacuation début janvier en raison de l’activité accrue du volcan . Comme rapporté par le Centre de volcanologie et....

Il vulcano indonesiano Lewotobi Laki-Laki in eruzione, massimo livello di allerta | FOTO

2024-01-10T09:37+0100meteoweb (it)

L' Indonesia si trova sulla Cintura di Fuoco del Pacifico, un’area di intensa attività vulcanica e sismica. Il vulcano Lewotobi Laki-Laki in Indonesia ha generato un’eruzione nelle scorse ore, emettendo nubi di cenere fino ad un’altezza di 2 km sopra la sua vetta mentre le autorità hanno aumentato lo stato di allerta al livello più alto.

Indonesia’s Lewotobi Laki-Laki volcano erupts, placed on highest alert level

2024-01-10T09:22+0100straitstimesSG (en)

JAKARTA - Indonesia ’s Mount Lewotobi Laki-Laki erupted anew on Jan 10, spewing ash clouds 2km above its peak as the authorities raised the volcano’s alert status to the highest level. The eruption follows weeks of heightened volcanic activity on the mountain, located on eastern Indonesia’s Flores....

07:53 | éruption Alerte maximale pour le volcan Lewotobi en Indonésie

2024-01-10T08:00+010020minutes (fr)

Une nouvelle éruption. L’état d’alerte le plus élevé a été décrété pour le volcan Lewotobi Laki-Laki, situé sur l’île de Florès, dans l’est de l’Indonésie. Après des semaines d’activité accrue du volcan et un premier ordre d’évacuation début janvier, des cendres volcaniques ont été projetées deux....

En IndonésieAlerte maximale pour le volcan Lewotobi Laki-Laki 0 0 0

2024-01-10T07:58+0100lessentiel-lu-fr (fr)

L’état d’alerte le plus élevé a été décrété pour le volcan Lewotobi Laki-Laki, situé sur l’île de Florès, dans l’est de l’Indonésie, après une nouvelle éruption mercredi, ont indiqué les autorités. Mercredi, après des semaines d’activité accrue du volcan et un premier ordre d’évacuation début....

Indonesia's Lewotobi Laki-Laki volcano erupts, on highest alert level

2024-01-10T07:46+0100channelnewsasia (en)

JAKARTA: Indonesia 's Mount Lewotobi Laki-Laki erupted anew on Wednesday (Jan 10), spewing ash clouds 2km above its peak as authorities raised the volcano's alert status to the highest level. The eruption follows weeks of heightened volcanic activity on the mountain, located on eastern Indonesia's....

Indonesia’s Lewotobi Laki-Laki volcano erupts, on highest alert level

2024-01-10T07:19+0100malaymail (en)

JAKARTA, Jan 10 — Indonesia ’s Mount Lewotobi Laki-Laki erupted anew today, spewing ash clouds two kilometres (6,561 feet) above its peak as authorities raised the volcano’s alert status to the highest level. The eruption follows weeks of heightened volcanic activity on the mountain, located on....

Indonésie: alerte maximale pour le volcan Lewotobi Laki-Laki sur l'île de Florès

2024-01-10T07:19+0100rtl-BE (fr)

Publié il y a 8 min L'état d'alerte le plus élevé a été décrété pour le volcan Lewotobi Laki-Laki, situé sur l'île de Florès, dans l'est de l'Indonésie, après une nouvelle éruption mercredi, ont indiqué les autorités. Mercredi, après des semaines d'activité accrue du volcan et un premier ordre....

Mount Lewotobi Laki-Laki erupts in Indonesia

2024-01-10T07:11+0100gulfnews (en)

Jakarta: Indonesia 's Mount Lewotobi Laki-Laki erupted anew Wednesday, spewing ash clouds two kilometres (6,561 feet) above its peak as authorities raised the volcano's alert status to the highest level. The eruption follows weeks of heightened volcanic activity on the mountain, located on eastern....

IndonésieAlerte maximale pour le volcan Lewotobi Laki-Laki 0 1

2024-01-10T07:10+0100lematin-CH (fr)

L’état d’alerte le plus élevé a été décrété pour le volcan Lewotobi Laki-Laki, situé sur l’île de Florès, dans l’est de l’Indonésie, après une nouvelle éruption mercredi, ont indiqué les autorités. Mercredi, après des semaines d’activité accrue du volcan et un premier ordre d’évacuation début....

Indonesia Raises Volcano Alert Status to Highest Level as Lewotobi Laki-Laki Erupts

2024-01-10T07:05+0100news18 (en)

Indonesia ’s Mount Lewotobi Laki-Laki erupted anew Wednesday, spewing ash clouds two kilometres (6,561 feet) above its peak as authorities raised the volcano’s alert status to the highest level. The eruption follows weeks of heightened volcanic activity on the mountain, located on eastern Indonesia’s....

Indonesia’s Lewotobi Laki-Laki volcano erupts, on highest alert level

2024-01-10T07:03+0100brecorder (en)

JAKARTA: Indonesia ’s Mount Lewotobi Laki-Laki erupted anew Wednesday, spewing ash clouds two kilometres (6,561 feet) above its peak as authorities raised the volcano’s alert status to the highest level. The eruption follows weeks of heightened volcanic activity on the mountain, located on eastern....

Alerte maximale pour le volcan Lewotobi Laki-Laki en Indonésie

2024-01-10T06:58+0100nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

Les habitants sont appelés à porter des masques pour se protéger «des dangers pour le système respiratoire». AFP. L’état d’alerte le plus élevé a été décrété pour le volcan Lewotobi Laki-Laki, situé sur l’île de Florès, dans l’est de l’Indonésie, après une nouvelle éruption mercredi, ont indiqué les autorités.

Indonésie: Alerte maximale pour le volcan Lewotobi Laki-Laki

2024-01-10T06:53+010024heures (fr)

L’état d’alerte le plus élevé a été décrété pour le volcan Lewotobi Laki-Laki, situé sur l’île de Florès, dans l’est de l’Indonésie, après une nouvelle éruption mercredi, ont indiqué les autorités. Mercredi, après des semaines d’activité accrue du volcan et un premier ordre d’évacuation début....

Indonésie: Alerte maximale pour le volcan Lewotobi Laki-Laki

2024-01-10T06:47+0100tdg (fr)

L’état d’alerte le plus élevé a été décrété pour le volcan Lewotobi Laki-Laki, situé sur l’île de Florès, dans l’est de l’Indonésie, après une nouvelle éruption mercredi, ont indiqué les autorités. Mercredi, après des semaines d’activité accrue du volcan et un premier ordre d’évacuation début....

Archipelago East Nusa Tenggara volcano erupts, on highest alert level

2024-01-10T06:45+0100JakartaPost (en)

M. ount Lewotobi Laki-Laki erupted anew Wednesday, spewing ash clouds two kilometres (6,561 feet) above its peak as authorities raised the volcano's alert status to the highest level. The eruption follows weeks of heightened volcanic activity on the mountain, located on Flores Island, and prompted....

Indonesia's Lewotobi Laki-Laki volcano erupts, on highest alert level

2024-01-10T06:36+0100terradaily (en)

Indonesia 's Mount Lewotobi Laki-Laki erupted anew Wednesday, spewing ash clouds two kilometres (6,561 feet) above its peak as authorities raised the volcano's alert status to the highest level. The eruption follows weeks of heightened volcanic activity on the mountain, located on eastern Indonesia's....

Indonesia's Lewotobi Laki-Laki volcano erupts, on highest alert level

2024-01-10T06:34+0100bssnews (en)

JAKARTA, Jan 10, 2024 (BSS/AFP) - Indonesia 's Mount Lewotobi Laki-Laki erupted anew Wednesday, spewing ash clouds two kilometres (6,561 feet) above its peak as authorities raised the volcano's alert status to the highest level. The eruption follows weeks of heightened volcanic activity on the....

Indonesia’s Lewotobi Laki-Laki volcano erupts, on highest alert level

2024-01-10T06:31+0100inquirer (en)

Motorists ride as mount Lewotobi Laki-Laki spews hot smoke in Flores Timur, Nusa Tenggara, Timur province on January 2, 2024. AFP FILE PHOTO. JAKARTA Indonesia ’s Mount Lewotobi Laki-Laki erupted anew Wednesday, spewing ash clouds two kilometers (6,561 feet) above its peak as authorities raised the volcano’s alert status to the highest level.

Indonesia’s Lewotobi Laki-Laki volcano erupts, on highest alert

2024-01-10T06:10+0100arynews (en)

JAKARTA: Indonesia ’s Mount Lewotobi Laki-Laki erupted anew Wednesday, spewing ash clouds two kilometres (6,561 feet) above its peak as authorities raised the volcano’s alert status to the highest level. The eruption follows weeks of heightened volcanic activity on the mountain, located on eastern....

Indonesia’s Lewotobi Laki-Laki volcano erupts, on highest alert level

2024-01-10T05:50+0100tribuneonline (en)

Indonesia ’s Mount Lewotobi Laki-Laki erupted anew Wednesday, spewing ash clouds two kilometers (6,561 feet) above its peak as authorities raised the volcano’s alert status to the highest level. The eruption follows weeks of heightened volcanic activity on the mountain, located on eastern Indonesia’s....

The Importance of Understanding Disaster Risk

2024-01-10T04:21+0100kompas-id (en)

KOMPAS/FRANSISKUS PATI HERIN. Another eruption of Mount Lewotobi Laki-laki in East Flores Regency, East Nusa Tenggara occurred on Monday (8/1/2024). Living in the second most disaster-prone country in the world makes understanding disaster risk conditions important.

L’équilibre entre le risque et la valeur scientifique dans l’exploration planétaire est primordial

2024-01-09T22:23+0100nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

Dans “The Mary Shelley Room”, Timo Fieldhouse raconte comment une éruption volcanique en Indonésie a secoué le monde De Michael Wessel. L’année 1816 était surnommée “l’année sans été”. Cette année a également beaucoup à voir avec la communauté légendaire de Percy Shelley, sa future épouse Mary, sa....

La ciudad de Ollagüe registra sismo de magnitud 5.2

2024-01-09T18:12+0100infobae (es)

Un nuevo sismo sorprendió a los pobladores de la ciudad de Ollagüe , cuando la tierra comenzó a moverse a las 13:47 horas (hora local) de este martes 9 de enero. De acuerdo con la información preliminar del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN), el movimiento telúrico tuvo una magnitud de 5.2 y una profundidad de 186.

31 People Trapped in Mount Lewotobi's Eruption Successfully Evacuated

2024-01-09T15:14+0100tempo-co (en)

TEMPO.CO Kupang The joint search and rescue team successfully evacuated 31 people trapped in Waiula Village due to the of Mount Lewotobi Laki-Laki in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT). The joint team consists of the National Police and the National Search and Rescue Agency or Basarnas.

Beware of Cold Lava Floods on Mount Lewotobi Men

2024-01-09T12:56+0100kompas-id (en)

KOMPAS/FRANSISKUS PATI HERIN. The eruption of Mount Lewotobi Laki-laki in East Flores Regency, East Nusa Tenggara, has occurred again on Monday (8/1/2024). This eruption marks the 17th day since it first erupted. More than 3,000 people have been displaced.

Kompas Humanitarian Fund Foundation Provides Assistance to Male Mount Lewotobi Refugees

2024-01-09T09:21+0100kompas-id (en)

Ko &lt;mpas</i> readers who were donated through the Kompas Humanitarian Fund Foundation." height="683" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width:1280px) 1280px, (max-width:720px) 720px, (max-width:1024px) 1024px, (max-width:6000px) 6000px, (max-width:676px) 676px, (max-width:160px) 160px, (max-width:300px)....


2024-01-08T23:43+0100ahacentre (en)

REGIONAL SUMMARY: For the first week of 2024, the ASEAN region experienced a total of 29 disasters including floods, landslides, wind-related disasters, and volcanic activity. Indonesia and Malaysia were reportedly affected by these events. According to the Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana BNPB....

ASEAN Weekly Disaster Update Week 1 | 1 - 7 January 2024

2024-01-08T12:05+0100reliefWeb (en)

REGIONAL SUMMARY: For the first week of 2024, the ASEAN region experienced a total of 29 disasters including floods, landslides, wind-related disasters, and volcanic activity. Indonesia and Malaysia were reportedly affected by these events. According to the Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana....

Lewotobi erupts, residents urged to wear masks for sulfur protection

2024-01-07T13:35+0100antaranews-en (en)

A motorbike rider passes on the road with the erupting Mount Lewotobi Laki in the background in Wulanggitang, East Flores, East Nusa Tenggara, on January 6, 2024. (ANTARA FOTO/Mega Tokan/sgd/nz) East Flores, East Nusa Tenggar (ANTARA) - The Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation Center....

Lewotobi entra en erupción, se insta a los residentes a usar máscaras para protegerse del azufre

2024-01-07T12:57+0100notiulti (es)

East Flores, East Nusa Tenggar (ANTARA) – El Centro de Vulcanología y Mitigación de Peligros Geológicos (PVMBG) ha instado a los residentes cerca del Monte Lewotobi Laki-laki en East Nusa Tenggara a continuar usando máscaras debido a la posible exposición al gas de azufre liberado por el volcán.

Sismo de 4.1 de magnitud sorprende a la ciudad de La Higuera

2024-01-07T10:19+0100infobae (es)

Un temblor de 4.1 de magnitud aconteció este domingo 7 de enero en la ciudad de La Higuera , de acuerdo con la última información del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). Según los reportes oficiales preliminares, el movimiento telúrico inició a las 05:59 (hora local), se originó a 61.

Indonésie : l'aéroport de Minangkabau fermé suite à l'éruption du volcan Marapi

2024-01-06T15:51+0100lecourrier (fr)

L'aéroport international de Minangkabau, situé dans la province indonésienne de Sumatra occidental, a été fermé provisoirement vendredi 5 janvier en raison d'une augmentation de l'activité du volcan Marapi. Cette politique pourrait entraîner une gêne, mais la sécurité de chacun reste la principale....

Indonésie : 2.000 personnes évacuées après l'éruption d'un volcan à Florès Le volcan Lewotobi Laki-Laki, situé dans la province de Nusa Tengarra, est entré plusieurs fois en éruption au cours des dernières semaines.

2024-01-06T12:06+0100sciencesetavenir (fr)

Plus de 2.000 habitants ont été évacués vers des abris temporaires après l'éruption d'un volcan sur l'île de Florès, dans l'est de l'Indonésie, a déclaré le 2 janvier 2024 un responsable local. Plusieurs éruptions. Le volcan Lewotobi Laki-Laki, situé dans la province de Nusa Tengarra, à l'est de....

Indonésie : l'aéroport de Minangkabau fermé suite à l'éruption du volcan Marapi

2024-01-06T02:28+0100french-news (fr)

JAKARTA, 5 janvier (Xinhua) -- L'aéroport international de Minangkabau, situé dans la province indonésienne de Sumatra occidental, a été fermé provisoirement vendredi en raison d'une augmentation de l'activité du volcan Marapi. "Cette politique pourrait entraîner une gêne, mais la sécurité de chacun....

Indonésie : l'aéroport de Minangkabau fermé suite à l'éruption du volcan Marapi

2024-01-05T20:04+0100french.china.org.cn (fr)

L'aéroport international de Minangkabau, situé dans la province indonésienne de Sumatra occidental, a été fermé provisoirement vendredi en raison d'une augmentation de l'activité du volcan Marapi. "Cette politique pourrait entraîner une gêne, mais la sécurité de chacun reste la principale priorité,....

The number of male Lewotobi refugees suffering from disease continues to increase

2024-01-05T13:28+0100kompas-id (en)

KOMPAS/FRANSISKUS PATI HERIN. A nurse is cleaning a child's foot wound that was affected by the eruption of Mount Lewotobi Laki-laki at the health post in Pululera Village, Wulanggitang Subdistrict, East Flores Regency, East Nusa Tenggara, on Friday (1/5/2023). The eruption has been ongoing for the past two weeks.

Nuevo sismo sacude a Chile: magnitud 4.0 en Arauco

2024-01-05T06:22+0100infobae (es)

Según la información oficial preliminar, el movimiento telúrico comenzó a las 00:54 horas (hora local), cuando la tierra se movió a una profundidad de 23.0 kilómetros. La CNS señaló que la ubicación exacta del epicentro fue a -37.058 grados de latitud y -73.53 grados de longitud, es decir, a 28.0 kilómetros al Noroeste de la localidad.

Aldeanos indonesios evacuados mientras crecen temores de erupción de volcán-Xinhua

2024-01-04T21:52+0100notiulti (es)

YAKARTA, 4 ene (Xinhua) — María Leba y sus familiares han estado viviendo en una tienda de campaña en un jardín durante los últimos días luego de una creciente actividad volcánica del monte Lewotobi Laki-Laki en la parte sureste de la isla indonesia de Flores. .

Ancora tempeste in Australia

2024-01-04T12:55+0100internazionale (it)

Tempeste Una violenta tempesta ha colpito la costa orientale dell’Australia, uccidendo almeno nove persone. ◆La tempesta Gerrit ha investito il Regno Unito e l’Irlanda con venti fino a 170 chilometri orari, provocando la morte di tre persone. Umidità Negli ultimi decenni in Europa l’aria è diventata sempre più secca.

Le alghe saranno il cibo di un mondo post catastrofe nucleare o dopo una grande eruzione vulcanica?

2024-01-04T10:57+0100greenreport (it)

“Seaweed as a resilient food solution after a nuclear war” è stata selezionata come una delle proposte più entusiasmanti e interessanti tra le 17.000 presentate alla conferenza della European Geosciences Union (EGU) del 2023 a Vienna. A presentare lo studio è stato Florian Ulrich Jehn dell’Alliance....

Meteo Cronaca Diretta VIDEO: INDONESIA, eurtta il vulcano Lewotobi Laki-laki; evacuazioni in atto

2024-01-04T09:19+0100ilmeteo (it)

https://www.pubtech.ai/ilmeteo_video.html?video=//vs.ansa.it/sito/video_mp4_export/m20240102131047281.mp4&photo=/webimages/img_620x438/2024/1/2/f3cdc4b0d0a6c0b9b5533c256e05f382.jpg. Oltre 2.000 residenti sono stati evacuati e trasferiti in rifugi temporanei in seguito all’ eruzione del vulcano....

Refugees Reach 3,000 People, Food Stock Guaranteed Safe

2024-01-04T09:15+0100kompas-id (en)

The following article was translated using both Microsoft Azure Open AI and Google Translation AI. The original article can be found in SANDY HAYON UNTUK KOMPAS. In the midst of the volcanic ash shower from Mount Lewotobi , men crossed the road in Hokeng Jaya Village, Wulanggitang District, East....

Nuevo sismo sacude a Chile: magnitud 4.0 en Mina Collahuasi

2024-01-04T07:24+0100infobae (es)

Un temblor de magnitud 4.0 aconteció este jueves 4 de enero en la ciudad chilena de Mina Collahuasi , de acuerdo con la más reciente información del Centro Sismológico Nacional (CSN). Según los reportes oficiales preliminares, el movimiento comenzó a las 03:05 (hora local), se originó a 56.

Hooked on volcanoes? Tourists vie to catch Iceland's eruptions

2024-01-03T23:19+0100japantoday (en)

As the glowing river of lava from a volcano that erupted last month in Iceland ebbed, not everyone was happy. Hazel Lane, a 49-year-old dental practice manager in London, had booked a ticket to Reykjavik as soon as she saw footage of the eruption on television, hoping to witness spectacular lava flows beneath molten red skies.

Novedades Quintana Roo ⯑ Últimas Noticias hoy 3 de enero de 2024

2024-01-03T14:37+0100sipse (es)

En el primer incidente del año 2024, hombres armados abrieron fuego contra una vivienda y un automóvil en la colonia 10 de Abril en Cozumel. Conoce el resumen con las últimas noticias que necesitas saber hoy 3 de enero de 2024 para iniciar el día bien informado. Trámites de nuevas licencias de conducir arrancan con el pie izquierdo en Cancún.

Indonesia - Volcanic eruption (DG ECHO, BNPB, MAGMA Indonesia, media) (ECHO Daily Flash of 3 January 2024)

2024-01-03T13:10+0100reliefWeb (en)

Since December 2023, the activity of Lewotobi Laki-laki volcano located in the southeastern part of the island of Flores (eastern Indonesia ), is increasing. On 1 January 2024, a huge eruption was observed. The ash cloud reached up to 1,500m above the crater and moved from southwest to west.

Mount Lewotobi Men continues to erupt, thousands of people flee

2024-01-03T12:38+0100kompas-id (en)

The following article was translated using both Microsoft Azure Open AI and Google Translation AI. The original article can be found in Gunung Lewotobi Laki-laki Terus Erupsi, Ribuan Orang Mengungsi Amidst the raining of volcanic ash from Mount Lewotobi, men from the village of Hokeng Jaya,....

Chile: sismo de magnitud 5.4 en Alto del Carmen

2024-01-03T09:26+0100infobae (es)

Según la información oficial hasta ahora publicada, el movimiento telúrico comenzó a las 05:04 horas (hora local), cuando la tierra se movió a una profundidad de 156.0 kilómetros. La CNS reportó que la ubicación exacta del epicentro fue a -28.471 grados de latitud y -68.961 grados de longitud, es decir, a 152.

El monte Dukono entra en erupción arrojando cenizas a 4.000 metros de altura

2024-01-03T02:03+0100notiulti (es)

La erupción del volcán Dukono en North Halmahera Regency, North Maluku CNN Indonesia /Sahril. Yakarta, CNN Indonesia. El Centro de Vulcanología y Mitigación de Desastres Geológicos (PVMBG) informó que se produjo una erupción en en el norte de Maluku, que arrojó ceniza volcánica a una altura de aproximadamente 4.

¡2024 viene con todo!...erupción volcánica en Indonesia afecta a mil 500 personas

2024-01-03T01:10+0100mvsnoticias (es)

Unas mil 500 personas fueron evacuadas tras repetidas erupciones del volcán Lewotobi Laki-Laki, en la parte oriental de la isla de Flores, en Indonesia , donde las autoridades elevaron este martes la alerta al nivel tres sobre un máximo de cuatro , no cabe duda que 2024 viene con todo.

Indonesia: Evacuaron a más de mil personas tras erupción del volcán

2024-01-03T00:37+0100americatv (es)

Los damnificados temen por su seguridad debido a que se intensificó la actividad del volcán Lewotobi Laki-Laki en Indonesia . Además, se reportó la caída de ceniza y constantes sismos. Al menos 1500 personas fueron evacuadas en Indonesia por las repetidas erupciones de un volcán al este del país.

VIDEO: Son evacuadas más de mil 500 personas por erupción volcánica

2024-01-03T00:08+0100diariodemorelos (es)

El volcán Lewotobi Laki-Laki, ubicado en la isla de Flores, Indonesia , ha generado preocupación y llevado a la evacuación de al menos 1,500 personas. Las autoridades locales elevaron la alerta al nivel tres, de un máximo de cuatro, ante las repetidas erupciones registradas en los últimos días.

VIDEO: Evacúan a más de mil 500 personas por erupción volcánica en Indonesia Mundo | 2 de enero

2024-01-02T18:29+0100el-mexicano (es)

Las autoridades de Indonesia han llevado a cabo la evacuación de al menos mil 500 personas debido a las recurrentes erupciones del volcán Lewotobi Laki-Laki, ubicado en la parte oriental de la isla de Flores, al este del país. En respuesta a la intensificación de la actividad volcánica, las....

¿Cuáles fueron los peores tsunamis de la historia y cómo se forman?

2024-01-02T17:30+0100conocedores (es)

La Tierra es un planeta geológicamente activo donde ocurren terremotos de forma continua, aunque la mayoría de las veces no los notemos en nuestras vidas cotidianas. Y un terremoto o un volcán en el océano pueden causar un tsunami. ¿Cuáles fueron los peores tsunamis de la historia y cómo se forman?....

Cerca de mil 500 evacuados por la erupción de un volcán en Indonesia

2024-01-02T16:15+0100laverdadnoticias (es)

Las autoridades en Indonesia reportaron que son cerca de mil 500 personas han sido evacuadas por las repetidas erupciones del volcán Lewotobi Laki-Laki , donde han elevado este martes 2 de enero la alerta al nivel tres sobre un máximo de cuatro. En la parte oriental de la isla de Flores, al este del....

Al menos 1.500 evacuados por erupción de un volcán al este de Indonesia

2024-01-02T16:15+0100n-com-do (es)

Al menos 1.500 personas han sido evacuadas en Indonesia por las repetidas erupciones del volcán Lewotobi Laki-Laki , en la parte oriental de la isla de Flores, al este del país, donde las autoridades elevaron este martes la alerta al nivel tres sobre un máximo de cuatro. Las autoridades de la regencia de Flores han evacuado a 1.

Over 2,000 Evacuated After Indonesia Volcano Eruption

2024-01-02T15:21+0100channelstv (en)

More than 2,000 residents have been evacuated to temporary shelters amid heightened volcanic activities in a volcano in eastern Indonesia , a local official said Tuesday. Mount Lewotobi Laki-Laki in East Nusa Tenggara province has erupted several times in recent weeks, including an eruption on Monday that spewed volcanic ash 1.

VIDEO: Evacúan a más de mil 500 personas por erupción volcánica en Indonesia Hace 1 minuto En respuesta a la intensificación de la actividad volcánica del Lewotobi Laki-Laki, las autoridades de Indonesia elevaron la alerta al nivel tres

2024-01-02T15:21+0100zocalo (es)

Indonesia .- Las autoridades de Indonesia han llevado a cabo la evacuación de al menos mil 500 personas debido a las recurrentes erupciones del volcán Lewotobi Laki-Laki, ubicado en la parte oriental de la isla de Flores, al este del país. En respuesta a la intensificación de la actividad volcánica,....

Cina: monte Changbai, ferrovia alta velocita’ stimola economia di ghiaccio, neve

2024-01-02T15:21+0100zazoom-it (it)

(Di martedì 2 gennaio 2024) Pechino, 02 gen – (Xinhua) – La ferrovia ad alta velocita’ ha portato nuova vitalita’ all’ economia del ghiaccio e della neve del monte Changbai , nel Jilin cinese. Agenzia Xinhua. Pechino, 02 gen – (Xinhua) – La ferrovia ad alta velocita’ ha portato nuova vitalita’ all’....

Desalojan a más de mil 500 personas por erupción volcánica en Indonesia En respuesta a la intensificación de la actividad volcánica del Lewotobi Laki-Laki, las autoridades de Indonesia elevaron la alerta al nivel tres, en una escala de cuatro. Global | 07:44 hrs.

2024-01-02T14:55+0100excelsior (es)

Las autoridades de Indonesia han llevado a cabo la evacuación de al menos mil 500 personas debido a las recurrentes erupciones del volcán Lewotobi Laki-Laki, ubicado en la parte oriental de la isla de Flores, al este del país. En respuesta a la intensificación de la actividad volcánica, las....

Noticias Alerta en Indonesia: al menos 1.500 evacuados por la erupción de un volcán

2024-01-02T14:40+0100vanguardia-CO (es)

Al menos 1.500 personas han sido evacuadas en Indonesia por las repetidas erupciones del volcán Lewotobi Laki-Laki, en la parte oriental de la isla de Flores, al este del país, donde las autoridades elevaron este martes 2 de enero, la alerta al nivel tres sobre un máximo de cuatro. Las autoridades de la regencia de Flores han evacuado a 1.

Indonesia: eruzione del Monte Lewotobi, evacuati migliaia di residenti

2024-01-02T14:31+0100tag24 (it)

In Indonesia , il governo ha evacutato più di 2mila residenti colpiti dall’eruzione del Monte Lewotobi Laki-Laki. Il vulcano ha eruttato diverse volte da fine dicembre 2023. Continua l’attività vulcanica in Indonesia, eruzione del Monte Lewotobi: residenti evacuati.

Indonésie: 2.000 personnes évacuées après l'éruption d'un volcan à Florès

2024-01-02T13:34+0100sciencesetavenir (fr)

Plus de 2.000 habitants ont été évacués vers des abris temporaires après l'éruption d'un volcan sur l'île de Florès, dans l'est de l'Indonésie, a déclaré mardi un responsable local. Le volcan Lewotobi Laki-Laki, situé dans la province de Nusa Tengarra, à l'est de l'île de Florès, est entré....

Indonésie: 2.000 personnes évacuées après l'éruption d'un volcan à Florès

2024-01-02T13:19+0100la-croix (fr)

Plus de 2.000 habitants ont été évacués vers des abris temporaires après l'éruption d'un volcan sur l'île de Florès, dans l'est de l'Indonésie, a déclaré mardi un responsable local. Le volcan Lewotobi Laki-Laki, situé dans la province de Nusa Tengarra, à l'est de l'île de Florès, est entré....

Des milliers de personnes évacuées suite à l’éruption du volcan indonésien

2024-01-02T13:06+0100nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

MAUMERE : Plus de 2 000 habitants ont été évacués vers des abris temporaires dans un contexte d’activité volcanique accrue dans un volcan de l’est de l’Indonésie, a déclaré un responsable local mardi 2 janvier. Le mont Lewotobi Laki-Laki, dans la province de Nusa Tenggara Est, est entré en éruption....

Indonésie: 2.000 personnes évacuées après l'éruption d'un volcan à Florès

2024-01-02T12:49+0100actu-orange (fr)

Plus de 2.000 habitants ont été évacués vers des abris temporaires après l'éruption d'un volcan sur l'île de Florès, dans l'est de l'Indonésie, a déclaré mardi un responsable local. Le volcan Lewotobi Laki-Laki, situé dans la province de Nusa Tengarra, à l'est de l'île de Florès, est entré plusieurs fois en éruption au cours des dernières semaines.

Indonésie: 2.000 personnes évacuées après l'éruption d'un volcan à Florès

2024-01-02T12:32+0100rtl-BE (fr)

Publié il y a 30 min Plus de 2.000 habitants ont été évacués vers des abris temporaires après l'éruption d'un volcan sur l'île de Florès, dans l'est de l'Indonésie, a déclaré mardi un responsable local. Le volcan Lewotobi Laki-Laki, situé dans la province de Nusa Tengarra, à l'est de l'île de....

12:15 | danger Plus de 2.000 personnes évacuées après l’éruption d’un volcan à Florès

2024-01-02T12:20+010020minutes (fr)

Le volcan Lewotobi Laki-Laki, situé dans la province de Nusa Tengarra, à l'est de l'île de Florès, est entré plusieurs fois en éruption au cours des dernières semaines — ARNOLD WELIANTO. Plus de 2.000 habitants ont été évacués vers des abris temporaires après l'éruption d'un volcan sur l'île de....

Eruzione in Indonesia: si alza l’allerta per il vulcano sull’isola di Flores, 2mila evacuati

2024-01-02T12:02+0100meteoweb (it)

Oltre 2.000 residenti sono stati evacuati e trasferiti in rifugi temporanei in seguito all’ eruzione di un vulcano sull’ isola di Flores , situata nell’ Indonesia orientale . Il vulcano Lewotobi Laki-Laki , localizzato nella provincia di Nusa Tengarra, a Est dell’isola di Flores, ha generato diverse eruzioni nelle ultime settimane.

Indonésie : au moins 2200 personnes évacuées après l’éruption d’un volcan sur l’île de Florès

2024-01-02T11:45+0100rtbf (fr)

Plus de 2200 habitants ont été évacués vers des abris temporaires après l’éruption d’un volcan sur l’île de Florès, dans l’est de l’Indonésie, a déclaré mardi un responsable local. Le volcan Lewotobi Laki-Laki, situé dans la province de Nusa Tengarra, à l’est de l’île de Florès, est entré plusieurs fois en éruption au cours des dernières semaines.

Des milliers de personnes évacuées suite à l’éruption du volcan East Nusa Tenggara

2024-01-02T11:28+0100nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

L’éruption du volcan East Nusa Tenggara en Indonésie a causé la évacuation de milliers de personnes dans la région. Cette catastrophe naturelle a eu des conséquences dévastatrices pour les habitants de l’île, les contraignant à fuir leur domicile pour se mettre en sécurité.

En Indonésie, 2 000 personnes évacuées après l'éruption d'un volcan à Florès

2024-01-02T11:18+0100laprovence (fr)

Plus de 2 000 habitants ont été évacués vers des abris temporaires après l'éruption d'un volcan sur l'île de Florès, dans l'est de l'Indonésie, a déclaré mardi un responsable local. Le volcan Lewotobi Laki-Laki, situé dans la province de Nusa Tengarra, à l'est de l'île de Florès, est entré plusieurs fois en éruption au cours des dernières semaines.

The ‘volcano tourists’ that vied to catch Iceland eruptions

2024-01-02T10:40+0100thehindu (en)

As the glowing river of lava from a volcano that erupted last week in Iceland ebbed, not everyone was happy. Hazel Lane, a 49-year-old dental practice manager in London, had booked a ticket to Reykjavik as soon as she saw footage of the eruption on television, hoping to witness spectacular lava flows beneath molten red skies.

Iceland’s Volcanic Activity Draws Tourists to the Country’s Unique Landscape

2024-01-02T02:28+0100vervetimes (en)

LONDON/BUDAPEST – As the glowing river of lava from a volcano that erupted last week in Iceland ebbed, not everyone was happy. Hazel Lane, a 49-year-old dental practice manager in London, had booked a ticket to Reykjavik as soon as she saw footage of the eruption on television, hoping to witness spectacular lava flows beneath molten red skies.

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